Stay With Me

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-----At Jennie's Place----

Lisa's Pov


Jennie opened the door and I could tell how much she cried cause of her puffy eyes

"Lisa" Sighs

"Jen" As I moved closer and embraced her

Jennie then started crying on my chest and hugging me so tight 

"Shushh- I'm sorry bout what happened Jen" I said as I caress her back

"Lisaaa" As she started to cry even more

Jennie was starting to lose her balance that I had to help her sit on the sofa

"Kai was fucking Mina at the parking lot Lisa, I saw it." Jennie said with her hands on her face

"Kai's an asshole Jen" I said looking down "I'm sorry I should have told you this but I saw him last year, With another girl. Not Mina tho" I said looking concern

"So all along, kai's been fooling around me" Sighs

"Look I'm sorr-" I was cut off

"It's not your fault Lis, its fine." she sighs "Lets not talk about him."

"Are you planning to fix things with hi-" I was cut off again

"We're Done." Jennie said 

"Oh-" I said surprised "yah lets not talk about it then" 

"lets go to my room to watch instead" Jennie said sounding a little upset

"Mhmm, alright" 

Jennie then grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her to her room. We both laid down on her bed as she grabs her laptop and placed it on her lap.

"What are we watching?" I asked

"what do you want?" she asked

"Play whatever you want" I smiled

"Thanks lis" she said then gave me a weak smile

Jennie then played the movie. she placed her laptop suddenly on my lap that got me confused and then what shocked me even more was Jennie laid her head on my chest as she continues to watch. I started to hug her and caress her head making her feel more comfortable while watching.

After almost an hour, Jennie fell asleep not even halfway thru the movie. I turned off her laptop and placed it on the side table.

"Jen, Ill go ahead alright?" I said whispering to her ear

I was about to leave but her grip on me got even tighter

"Stay Lisa" As she whispered to my ears

"huh?" I said not clearly hearing what she said

"Stay With Me" she said and hugged me more

I couldn't say anything since she went back to sleep, so I stayed hugging and comforting her even more. Until I fell asleep as well.

---- After 3 Weeks----

Lisa's Pov

Its been 3 weeks since that night I slept with Jennie. Its not weird, we used to always sleep on bed together but that was way back when we were young. It feels different now. we've both grown and matured in every way.

I'm sitting next to Jennie here at class right now since kai and Jen broke up already.

"You Hungry?" I asked Jennie

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