What The Fuck Is Wrong With You? (M)

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---- Eastwood High----

Lisa's Pov

"Bro, what's up with you?" Seulgi asked

"Nothing." I said coldly

I was looking at Bam and Jennie walking towards us. Jennie was laughing at whatever Bam was saying

"Hi Baby" Tzuyu came and hugged Lisa

Just as when Jennie and Bam came, I hugged Tzuyu and slammed her against the locker while i kissed her

Jennie's Pov

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch. I swear to god! I was looking at how Lisa kisses her. That should be me. I looked away cause I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'll take Jennie to class" Bam said and we both left

Lisa's Pov

"Bro I didn't know your brother goes here now." Seulgi said not looking at me

I didn't hear what Seulgi asked cause me and Tzuyu were making out

"LISA!" Seulgi said which made us both stopped.

"What?!" I asked

"Nothing, Continue. I'll go ahead and find Jisoo and Rose." Then Seulgi left

"Baby lets go?" Tzuyu asked and I Nod and left with her

---- At the Cafeteria----

Jennie's Pov

I'm here with the rest of the group including Bam and Tzuyu. I honestly have no idea why Lisa has been acting weird. One day we were fucking around and now its like nothing ever happened. I'm upset and angry by the thought of it. If this is how she wants to play her stupid game, Then so be it. 

"Bam, Do you want to join me later?" I asked Bam

"To where?" Bam asked while he eats his fries

"Movie" I said

"Oh, yah sure." Bam said and smiled

"baby let's join them" Tzuyu said while she clings on Lisa's arm

Lisa didn't showed much impression, She just nod.

"Let's all go, beside tomorrow is holiday, We all should enjoy." Jisoo said

"I agree unnie!" Rose said

Seulgi just nod

"Seulgi what's up with you?" Bam asked

"nothing.." Seulgi said

"Come on dude. we know you." Jisoo said

"Well, remember that girl I told you about?" Seulgi said

"The girl you searching for unnie?" Rose said

"I didn't know you'd still be looking for her, You were flirting with random girls last night." Lisa said and leaned against her chair

"What about her?" I asked

"I saw her last week." Seulgi said and sighs

"So what happened?" Bam asked

"She was with a guy." Seulgi sighs

everyone was silent

"Did you even try asking tho? He might be a friend or her brother? you never know." I said

"Well.. No?" Seulgi said

"Unnie, you should ask next time!" Rose said and continue to eat her food

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