It's over.

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Lisa's Pov

I followed Tzuyu's car and I think she really is leading me to where Jennie could be

*Dialed Seulgi's number*

"Hey, where are you guys?" I asked

"We're right behind you. Police is around the corners" She said

"Ok. I think we arrived our destination. Stay a little further"


"She just parked her car in front of this old house. More like an abandoned house."

"What else you see?"

"People.. Could be the one who took Jennie during the ceremony"

"I think you should stay still in there. Don't go anywhere and wait for the cops to handle it" 

"No. I'm going in" I said and went out from my car secretly

"Lisa! are you crazy?! You have no weapons"

"I can handle myself. Let the police know I'm going in"

"Lisa n-" I hung up and didn't let her finish whatever she has to say

I was having a little hard time getting in since there was about 4-5 people guarding outside.

And I was sure Jennie is here.

As I got in. I looked around the place and seems like nobody does lives in here. It looks ugly and disgusting. But I remember the video that was sent to me where Jennie was being touched by Kai. The place looks a lot more decent in the video comparing here. 

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I heard yelling upstairs

few mins later I heard someone going down. Heels.

I hid myself

"I want the video sent to Lisa after Kai's done." She said ordering the mans

"Yes, Ma'am" they said and left

I made my way up slowly until

"Kai, please no. Don't do this" 

Jennie's Voice.

"Please Kai!" She yelled and I ran up as fast as I could following where the voice is coming from and then

*BANG* the door opened

"What The fuck!" Kai said

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I yelled as I see Jennie half naked and hand cuffed to the bed. Crying

Anger built up inside my body and there was only one think I could think of

"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled as I ran towards Kai and punched him so hard he dropped on the floor

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I punched and punched. I showed no mercy. 

His face was full of blood. he barely could open his eyes

I continued punching him, I wasn't going to stop. I was going to kill me with my own bare hands.


And there I was pulled away


I wasn't thinking anymore. My vision started to blur out. I could hear voices but I was just staring at Kai's Body on the floor. Is he dead? 

Until my vision went back and saw cops around, Seulgi and Jisoo holding me and Rose and Irene next to Jennie

I yanked myself away from Seulgi and Jisoo's grip and ran over to Jennie

I took my leather jacket and covered Jennie's exposed body

I yanked the hand cuff in one go. I was so angry it broke so easily.

"Jennie!" I yelled and hugged her and she cried and cried

"I'm so sorry, it took me so long" I said as I hug her tighter like I was afraid I'd lose her again

"Lisa" She said sobbing

"I'm so sorry" I kept repeating the words. I couldn't accept the fact I came a little to late to rescue her

"Let's all go downstairs. So we can bring her to the hospital" One cop said

I carried Jennie in a bridal style and went out with the others 

We entered the car and droved to the hospital

Jennie's Pov

It's dark. Why is it dark? Where was I? Am I back home yet?

I remember how Kai took advantage of me. Its almost like his touches still feels alive on my skin. It feels terrible and I'm disgusted by it. How dare he take advantage of me! 

Flashback to what happened is what I can only remember. But barely. Lisa? Where are you? Lisa!

"LISA!" I yelled as I open my eyes wide open

"Shush baby, I'm here, I'm here." Lisa said as she held my hands

"Lisa.. Kai" I said slowly as I was still shocked

"It's okay baby, You're safe now" Lisa said and kissed my forehead

"I'm so sorry I took so long to come" Lisa said 

She leaned in towards me and slowly gave me the most softest passionate kiss.

I closed my eyes as I felt Lisa's lips on mine. 

"Is it really over?" I asked

"It's over baby, It's over." 

And there, tears of joys escaped my eyes. I can't believe it's finally over.

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