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----A Week Later----

Lisa's Pov

It's been a week since the rescue. Jennie's been doing good. Good thing there wasn't any major bruises on her except those on her wrist, probably because of trying to escape from the hand cuff. 

As for Kai. That asshole is fucking lucky I didn't kill him. If Seulgi and Jisoo wasn't there to stop me, He'd be dead by now. And I wouldn't give a fuck about it. Right now, He is in Jail for kidnapping Jennie and for taking advantage of her. along with the other mans he hired. Luckily I got there before he went any further.

Tzuyu? Once the police found out she was part of this all. She was arrested too but she's gone crazy so they had to transfer her to a mental hospital. She still isn't getting away from her crimes thought. We found out she had a couple of murder records and that she had this sickness since she was young but never got treated properly. 

Jennie wanted to drop charges on Tzuyu since se probably wasn't in the right state of mind when she was doing that all. But I had to disagree with it. She can have all the treatment she needs but there is no way we should let her get away from everything. This gives justice to all those people she hurt.

It took awhile but thank god Jennie decided to stop arguing about this. She told me to do whatever I think is right. So I am. As long as I'm keeping her safe too, I will. There is no way I'm letting those bastards come any never her anymore

"Hey baby" I said as I went in her room

"Hi baby" Jennie said

"How you feeling now?" I asked placing the tray of food I brought 

Silent. No words came out from her. And when I looked at her. Fears were visible in her eyes

"Baby?" I asked as I got worried. I went closer and sat next to her

"Baby?" I asked again

"I'm sorry, I just remember something" She said

"What is it?" I asked

"The tray and the food"

I was confused and being able to understand what she meant

"Kai went in the first night, Like that too." And then she looked straight to me eyes "The night he first took advantage of me" She said and sadness was all written on her face

I clenched my hands. Full of anger. How dare he fucking touch Jennie.

"I'm so sorry" I said

"It's okay" She said 

"Make me forget it?" She asked

I was silent since I don't know how will I help her.

Then she held my hands and guided it's way up from her legs to her inner thighs. Up to her flat stomach to her breast.

"Please?" She asked almost sounding breathless.

I kissed her not being able to hold back anymore. I missed her so much. Every part of her. Every inch of her. It pisses me off when I remember what Kai did. I wanted to erase any marks he left on her body. All his disgusting touches. I wanted them gone and my touches only be marked.

I wanted to make love to her. I wanted her to feel loved and feel safe in my arms. 

"Ahhh" She moaned when I started kissing her neck up to her jaw. I removed her shirt and short leaving her only on her undergarment

I Kissed every inch of her exposed body. I took off her bra and stared at her breast for awhile.

"What's wrong?" She asked breathlessly

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