Shit. (Slightly M)

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----At Eastwood High----

Jennie's Pov

I'm Here sitting at the basketball court with Rose watching Lisa, Jisoo and Seulgi have their practice

I was deeply staring at Lisa playing. She was sweating so much making her shirt all wet. It's weird but she looked even hotter when she's sweating. I could see her veins popping out. every time she would shoot the ball, her arms would flex giving me a better view of her muscles.

"Shit." I said whispering and staring at Lisa

"Huh?" Rose looked at me

"Huh? No nothing. I said nothing." I immediately said looking away

Lisa, Jisoo and Seulgi then walked to us

"Hey ladies" Seulgi said

"Hey!" Rose yelled

"Hi Lis-a" I said almost moaning her name out while I looked to Lisa's eyes

Lisa then looked at me confusedly probably because of what I said?

"Ehem, I mean Hi Lis" I said this time strongly

"Hey.." Lisa said

"Oookayyy" Jisoo Said

that everyone's attention went to Jisoo

"What's for lunch?"

"Ill pass" I said that got everyone looking at me

"Why?" Lisa asked

"I'll rest at home." I said

"Oh- what's up?" Then Lisa started removing her top in front me revealing her abs and leaving herself only with her sports bra and basketball shorts

"Mhm Nothing..." I said as I stared at her abs for a good few seconds and looked away not wanting to get caught

"Ill bring you home then." Lisa said

"No its fin-" Lisa cut me off

"I insist" Lisa said and made me smile

We bid our goodbyes to the others and went to the parking lot 

----Inside Lisa's Car----

Jennie's Pov

I was inside the car with Lisa. She was starting the engine

"You don't mind if I'm Topless right?" Lisa asked

"ha? Uhm yah no.." I said and looked away

I then felt Lisa's Body touching my arms that sent a whole different feeling to my body

"Yah!" I yelled and looked at her. Our face was an inch away that left me shocked

"Your seatbelt" Lisa said

"OH! right, yah.. Thanks!" I said and laughed nervously

Lisa then drove away

---- Arrived Jennie's House----

Lisa's Pov

"Ill go wash up" Jennie said

"Alright, Ill be here" I said as I sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on

After 30 mins

Jennie went down only wearing my oversized basketball shirt I left here before

"I hope you don't mind" She said

"Oh yah no, Its alright" I said and looked back at the TV

Jennie walked towards the coffee table and bent over to grab the PS4 Controllers. I was shock when I saw she was just wearing a pink underwear, I immediately looked away wanting to not get caught. 

"Here lets Play" Jennie said as she passed the other controller to me 

"Alright." I said a little coldly and took the small pillow and hide my massive Bulged. 

Fuck, Jennie what are you doing to me. I asked myself.

We were playing PS4 for about an hour now and things were just getting more heat up. Jennie being all touchy and sitting on my lap to block the TV whenever I'm winning over her in the game doesn't help calm me down. Good thing I was wearing my basketball shorts. Making it less painful.

"Not Fair!" Jennie said and yanked the controller away from me

"yah! hahah" I said and smiled

"I Want Rose" She said " At least I know I'll win over her" she then rolled her eyes which made me laugh with her sudden cuteness

"You're too cute Mandu" I said laughing trying to take the controller back

"Yah, No more games!" she said and hid the controller behind her back

"Yahh, Come on Jen!" I said and tried to grab the controller behind her back

Jennie kept taking it away from me while I try to take it back when suddenly we both lost our balance making me fall on top of her and her legs almost wrapped around me

I accidentally slide my hand up to her waist making the side of her top slide up revealing her pink undies.

We stared at each other when I caught her eyes looked at my lips

"Ehem, Sorry." I said and sat up straight 

'Its okay lis" She said and placed the controllers on the coffee table

"I should go, Rose should be back soon." I said and began to stand up

"Oh alright" Jennie said

"I'll text you tonight?"

"Please." Jennie said

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss in the cheeks

"Bye Jen." 

"Bye Lisa" 

Then I Left.

Jennie's Pov

I rushed to the bathroom knowing I felt all wet.

"Shit." I cursed and changed to my dry undies

after almost an hour, I was on bed when Lisa texted me

"Hey" Lisa said

"Hi, Home yet?"

"Yah, you off to bed?" Lisa asked

"Mhmm yah soon, after this."

"You should go to sleep" Lisa said

"Sleep with me." 

* 2 Mins later* Just seen zone

"Shit" I whispered

"Lis, I meant to say, Lets both sleep now, together..."

*Lisa's Offline*

"Ugh- Nice Jen. Nice one." I said

I was off to bed when my phone ringed

*Lisa's Calling* I answered

"Hey?" I said

"Just wanted to say goodnight." Lisa said

"Oh, haha yeah good night Lis" I said and blushed

We both end the call and head to bed

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