A Great Plan (Slightly M)

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Jennie's Pov

I woke up early since I got a phone call from my partner, Mila.

She told me we're having a new fashion show again and that it'll be held in New York. That means I'll have to be away for 2 days. This stuffs doesn't normally come around all the time. Usually my spot only for fashion weeks are only here in Seoul. 

"Baby" I whispered to Lisa still sleeping

"Mhmm" then she turned her back on me still wanting to sleep

"Baby" I said and started tracing her neck with wet kisses

"Good morning" I said once she opened her eyes

"Morning Baby" She said

"I got a phone call from Mila" I said and gave her a peck on the lips

"Mhm, What about it?" She asked 

"We're having a new fashion event, But in New York" I said pouting

"For how long?" She said sounding a little sad

"I have to leave tonight, Be back in 2 days" I said

"Mhmmm.. I'm going to miss you so bad" She said pulling me closer to her

"Yahh" I said laughing

Lisa pulled me closer to her body, Leaving no gap. getting closer and closer. we were about to share a passionate kiss when


I chuckled and stood up to open the door

"Hi baby" I said and lifted her up

Ella had her teddy bear with her while she wears her favorite princess dress. She has her arms wrapped around my neck while she yawns

"Good morning my princess" Lisa said while she sits up

I walked my way to Lisa and sat down while Ella unwrapped herself from me and went over to Lisa

"Looks like Daddy and princess is having 2 days holiday without Mommy" Lisa said hugging Ella

"Mommy, where are you going?" Ella asked

"Mommy has some work to do for 2 days baby, But I promise I'll be back soon" I said giving her a kiss on the forehead

"Okay" She said a little sad

"What do you want from mommy's trip?" I asked to lighten up her mood

"Nothing.." She said 

"Why not?" I asked 

"I just want you back home safe with us mommy" She said which melted my heart

"Alright baby, Alright" I said and kissed her forehead

Lisa's Pov

Jennie have left for New York. Which means it's only me and my little princess.

"Ella, I'm Home!" I yelled as soon as I opened the door

"Daddy!!" Ella yelled running towards me for a hug

"Did Jennie made it?" 

"Yes, Mom" I said

"Daddy, Grandma and I are playing. Do you want to join us?" ella asked

"Maybe later? Daddy has to do something first, Alright?" I said

"Alright" Ella said giving me another last kiss in the cheek before going down and running back to the living room with my mom

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