School Event

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----At Eastwood High----

Lisa's Pov

We're here inside the classroom. Everyone is going wild because of the big news Ms. Mel told us

"Lisa are you going??" Jisoo asked me

"Will you guys go?" I asked

"Uhm hello, Its been awhile this school organized a camping event" Seulgi said

"I agree. Lets all go" Rose said

"I'm In." Jennie said

"Great!" Seulgi said

"Same!" Jisoo said

"Lisa?" Rose asked

"Fine." Rose then clapped her hands because of joy

I saw Jennie smiling which made me smile too

"Okay class! We're going to be paired up into 2 for the camping. You'll have to sit with that person in the bus tomorrow" Ms. Mel told us

Ms. Mel clapped her hands getting everyone's attention "What are you waiting for? Partner up!" then everyone stood up to find their partners

Jennie stood up to fix her skirt when

"Jen" Kai appeared next to us

"Be my part-" I cut him off 

"Baby come here." I pulled Jennie making her sit on my lap

"Lis!" She got scared I could tell

"Hey Kai! Ill be your partner!" Seulgi went closer to us and told Kai

"What?!" Kai said

"Jisoo has Rose." Seulgi said and pointed at Jisoo and Rose

"Lisa has Jennie." Seulgi said and faced Kai

"Come on lets go to Ms. Mel and let her know" She then dragged Kai with her to Ms. Mel

"Wtf- Seul-" Kai was cut off

"Quit Complaining." Seulgi said and continued to dragged Kai away

I laughed while Jennie was still sitting on my lap

"Ehem.. so.." Rose said

Jennie then quickly stood up and fixed her skirt. 

"That was weird." Jisoo said

"Lets go guys." I stood up and walked away

---- Outside the school----

Jennie's Pov

"what took you so long?" Lisa asked Seulgi when she arrived

"Bitch, you have no idea how much I had to struggle with that shit guy." Seulgi said referring to Kai

Everyone of us laughed 

"Let's go to Lisa and Jisoo's apartment to drink" Seulgi said

everyone nod and left. I was with Lisa while Rose went with Jisoo and Seulgi droved her own car

After 30 mins of driving, we arrived the apartment

"I stopped by the store and grab these" Seulgi said showing all the chips and beers

"Owee did you get me chicken?!" Jisoo asked smiling

"No." Seulgi said

"Oh-" Jisoo pout

"Kidding. Here!" Seulgi gave the bucket of chicken to Jisoo

"Fuck YES! Thanks Seulgi!" Jisoo yelled and took the chicken

We all then settled down after witnessing the small convo between Jisoo and Seulgi

I was sitting at the end of the sofa next to Lisa and Seulgi was in between Lisa and Rose while Jisoo was on the floor sitting

Seulgi took the drinks out for herself and passed one to Lisa and me while Rose grabbed the snacks and Jisoo ate her Chicken

we were enjoying talking about the camping tomorrow

"Lets not get weested. Wea  ned time to prepare for tomo-lo" Seulgi said all tipsy

I laughed at Seulgi 

"You're already tipsy Seulgi" Lisa said and took her beer

"No, I'm Not." Seulgi said almost passing out

Rose was dead sleeping after eating 3 packs of chips.

Lisa, Jisoo and I was still sober, although I felt little dizzy tho. Drinking really isn't my thing.

"Ill take Rose to my room to sleep" Jisoo said and carried rose in a bridal style"

Lisa then nod.

I cleared my throat with the sudden silence since Seulgi passed out already

"Sleepy?" Lisa asked staring at me

"Kind of?" I asked and looked at her

Lisa stood up and I looked at her. She then grab my hands and drag me to her room

We were inside her room, I heard her locked the door while I continued to walk and sat on her bed

"here" Lisa said and threw her oversize shirt to me

"Thanks" I said as I was left speechless when she took her shirt off and pulled her pants down only wearing her boxers

I gulped when I saw how big she was even when her dick isn't awake. I felt embarrassed so I looked away 

Lisa jumped on the bed with her stomach facing the bed

I laughed at how silly she could be but her perfect ass caught me

"Stop Staring Jennie Kim" Lisa said with her eyes closed

"shut up, I wasn't ok!" I then threw the pillow at her face and she ended up laughing

I stood up and went to her bathroom to change

I went back and saw Lisa still lying down using her phone

I walked to the bed only wearing Lisa's oversize shirt and my black undies

"Come here" Lisa said turning her phone off and tapping the space in the bed

I laid down next to her and pulled the blanket over to cover myself

Lisa went closer to me almost touching my body which got me all tensed up

"relax Jen." she whispered to my ears

I then relaxed myself

"goodnight Jen." Lisa said and faced the other side

"Goodnight Lis" I said and faced the other side as well

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