Chapter 10

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Jeremy Sumpter (Landon)------->

"I don't want you going anywhere by yourself today." Brayden said as I made my breakfast. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"I'm going to be at school half the day, then work for the last half. I won't be alone at all today." I pointed out pouring him a cup of coffee.  

"Don't be smart." He said making me laugh.  

I still thought about what had happened yesterday. We are used to having wolves around since we were in Oregon, and wolves did habitat here also. But unlike everyone else in town I knew that what happened yesterday wasn't any normal wolf. No it was werewolves, I was sure of it. Now that Preston and the rest of the pack was here the town will be dealing with more wolves then they thought.  

I was dying to get to school to talk to Scott or Sasha on what had happened yesterday. I would ask Preston, but I felt a little awkward talking to him about it, since technically I wasn't supposed to know about werewolves. All last night I kept thinking about what I had felt yesterday out on the porch.  

When I was on the porch yesterday I couldn't help but feel watched as I read my book. I felt as if someone was glaring at me, watching my every move, as if I were prey. And when I heard the growling and howling off in the distance I couldn't help but panic a little. As quick as the unsafe feelings came, they were swept away. A presents that calmed me down flashed before me. It was odd really, how worked up and paranoid I was, then to have it disappear. I knew I was going to be safe, even as I heard the growling and scuffle of a fight happen just outside my yard. I knew I wasn't going to be harmed. 

And when Brayden came home a few seconds after the growling stopped I felt relief. I still felt safe, even knowing and seeing grey eyes of a wolf peering at me. The black fur had camouflaged in perfectly, but the blue eyes held my interest. They showed nothing but relief and warmth, I knew that wolf wouldn't harm me. I felt safe knowing that it had been there and scared away the other wolf. Which I'm assuming there had to of been by the growling coming from the trees. 

I knew that it hadn't been Scott since I knew what his wolf looked like and the fact that his eyes aren't blue.  

"You better hurry up and eat before Scott gets here." He said snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I shook my head and gathered up the eggs and toast I made for myself. 

"Are you going to come pick me up?" I asked. Brayden and I had to share a car since we didn't have a whole lot of money to buy a new one. Normally I car pooled with Sasha and Scott, but on some occasions I finally got to take the car out for a spin. 

"Uh, actually I'm planning on meeting up with Kelly tonight..." He trailed off making me grimace at him. 

"You could do so much better." I mumbled stuffing my face with the delicious eggs and toast. 

"Oh stop it." He said halfheartedly. We always had this conversation over his girlfriend.  

I just shook my head at him sadly. He could do so much better than her. "She's not coming over for Thanksgiving is she?" I asked. 

Thanksgiving was this Thursday. Last year we decided to invite our friends over, Scott and Sasha for me and a few of his friends for him, including Kelly. And dinner really wasn't all that great, since you know Sasha and Brayden don't have the best relationship around. All the sneers and rude comments throughout dinner came all from Kelly to Sasha; I don't think I could handle that again. 

He shook his head. "She won't be here this year. Her family is taking a vacation to California."  

I grinned and pumped my fist in the air causing him to roll his eyes. Finishing up my plate I rushed to brush my teeth and pull my auburn hair into a pony tail. Finished with that I went to my room and grabbed my backpack, just as I heard Scott honking the horn. 

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