Bonus - We Owned the Night

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Sasha's maid of honor dress -----> 

"Ok, yes I promise I will go check on him. No I haven't' seen him around town or your mothers room. Ok, ok, I get it. Go have fun." I hang up the phone. 

Dee has been worrying about her brother since she left. And I understand why, I have felt his frustration and anger for the past few days. Sighing I look around my room trying to figure out how I was supposed to go check on him when I'm grounded. I've only ever been grounded once before and that was because I pushed my brother when we were twelve down a flight of stairs. Even when he was the one that asked to be pushed down so he could see how fast his bruise would heal. But this is totally different. 

Stupid Caine and his big fat mouth. Normally I wouldn't care about the rumors but he stepped over the line. The line that showed how much of an a_s he truly is. To bring in my mate and rejection and spread rumors about that... not cool, and to tell the pack that I was nothing but an A class whore who got rejected because of an STD. That didn't set well with me. Stupid jerk, he had it coming to him. Not my fault he's been skipping training to go be with a human girl. He deserved the a_s whipping that I gave him. 

Being grounded was worth it though, for the first day. Now I'm bored out of my mind and have grown bored of the internet and my room. Even training doesn't show me interest. Its spring break, I should be going out and camping with the others, sleeping under the stars. But no, I'm stuck at home, not allowed to leave the house at all. 

I had a curfew of when I was supposed to be in my room, when the light was turned off, how late I could stay up. All I've done was chores, for beating the s_it out of Caine, even when he deserved it. So sneaking out was going to be a little tough when your brother isn't here to help you out. He's off showering Robin with his attention, lucky bastard. 

Getting up I move to the door and open it, peaking out. Dinner was going to be done soon, that leaves an hour until my curfew. Give or take another thirty minutes for when they come check up on me, after that they have their alone time trying to make another baby. This is weird, if it wasn't for Jamie wanting another baby they so wouldn't be doing this, but they want children who can be the best of friends. It's weird thinking that I would have a younger sibling eighteen years younger than me, or even more if they can't have one for a long time. 

Closing the door I change into some yoga pants and a tank, this won't make them suspicious since this is what I usually wear around the house. Packing some things into a bag I hide it under my bed for later when I sneak out. Good thing I've had plenty of practice jumping from second story window. 

Wanting to hurry the process up I go down the stairs and into the kitchen where mom is talking to Jaime over the phone and cooking at the same time. The TV is on telling me that dad is watching the baseball game. 

"I know, it was always hard for us after the twins but I have a feeling that it will happen again." I twist my face up in disgust. Of course they would be talking about that.... 

I'm so not having children until I am well over the age of twenty five. I have years of having babies and still look young when I'm really fifty years old. Weird but true. Plus I'm sure that you have to have a mate, or even a partner for that. Both of which I don't have and won't have. The boy I want doesn't want me because he rather believes rumors and hide behind them instead of confronting them like he should.  

I sigh and lean against the table at this thought. My love life was ruined because of some stupid rumor a boy made up of me, because I told him no. I mean he's been told no before from what I've been told but he hasn't gone as far as making up rumors about the girls. So why me? I will never know, nor will I ever want to. What's done is done. But if I could I would gladly introduce the prick with my fist for screwing up the only thing that I have ever dreamed about. Not having a full connection to my mate has been hell. 

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