Chapter 17

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Sammi Hanratty (Avery)------>

The next few days seemed to drag by. The days were getting colder, snow started piling up on the door step, and all I wanted to do was sleep the day away. The only good part that came from getting up and going to school was getting away from my mother, and I got to see Preston. My mom has been unbearable these past few days, she's been acting out, drinking, and mumbling to herself. I caught her talking to herself last night, mumbling about how he has returned, and she needed to find him. I know she's thinking about Joey again. 

Preston has stuck by my side the last few days, always there so Katy or Jared couldn't harass me. I could tell Jared was getting impatient at not getting me alone. I could feel his eyes on me everywhere I went, when I was in the lunch room sitting next to Preston, in most of my classes as I sat on the opposite side of the room as him. It was irritating me, I just wanted him gone. Luckily he hasn't approached me since he came back but I knew he would sooner or later, he doesn't have a whole lot of patience. If he wants something he's going to get it. 

The rumors around school unleashed like the hounds of hell. With Jared's return I've been thrown in as the bad guy. Some people say that he wanted me to have the baby and returned to make things better and to mourn his unborn child that I had killed. I wanted to seriously scream at them, throw a hissy fit and show them just how crazy I could be. Making him out to be the good guy didn't sit well with me, he was anything but the good guy. 

It was now Friday and I couldn't wait for the day to be over with. Preston told me he is going to talk to his pack tonight about letting me in on everything. I knew he was hesitant about it before because some of his pack members are full on pure bloods, sticking to the old ways. They think that humans are scrum and below them. They don't really like us mere humans, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from allowing me in on things. 

Since our almost kiss and my breakdown I felt that something shifted with us once again. Things between us was tense, but not from anger or discomfort, more sensual than anything. There were times when we were sitting close together and I felt this electric charge between us, or when I could feel what he's thinking. There were times too when I would see into his mind, like the vision before. Every time I asked him about it he told me he will tell me about it later. 

I kept thinking about his mate too. Does she feel this charge between him too? Does she see into his mind like I do? For some reason the thought of her being away brings me happiness. I don't know why I feel so possessive over him, or what the connection between us means. It's all confusing but he told me he would tell me later that I wasn't ready to know. This only made me more suspicious, why wouldn't I be ready? I wasn't so sure, but I knew in order to know I would have to tell him my deepest darkest secret.  

The final bell ringing snapped me out of my thoughts, Ms. Day stood up from the front of the class, halting everyone from leaving the classroom. 

"Remember you only have less than five days before you perform your scenes. I expect everyone to know their lines perfectly along with your chorography. If one thing is missing, let's say a kiss or a hand motion you will be docked a grade." She warns looking over at me. I roll my eyes and leave the classroom with Preston on my heels. 

"This is getting ridicules." I complain as we make our way out the school building. 

He chuckles at me lightly, "Just a few more days than you don't have to see her until after Christmas break." He reminds me. 

I groan, "Can't these days just hurry up then? I'm going crazy here with all the talk." I grump as I glare at two girls whispering and looking at me. 

He bites his lip before looking down making me sigh. He's been pretty patient over these last few days with the rumors, but I can tell that they are starting to bug him, that and not know the truth. I look away and see Sasha and Scott waving me over. 

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