Kelly Blatz (Hunter)---------->
You have got to be kidding me. I thought as I sat down heavily on my chair. Ever since the high council arrived yesterday I have been so angry. Every little thing I did was scrutinized in their eyes. I have been under their microscope as soon as they stepped foot on our territory.
Not only did we still have to deal with the pack of rogues and the attack, but I had to deal with the high council. They decided yesterday they were starting my trial for Alpha. It started with another attack of the beginning of the day. They got their best fighters to fake an attack and I had to lead a group of mine to counterattack them. It was bad enough that Mike and Scott had to go to school, leaving me with a small group. I got some of my best fighters, but without Scott it really did a little dent in my completion, I barely made it through them.
They then went on to criticize me, without even hiding it like they do to other packs. That only spiked my anger. Then they left me in charge of the boy in the cellar. I was tested on how well I could handle holding a prisoner. In the werewolf law you had to treat them fairly, one slip up and I was good as done.
I had slipped a little at first, when I had to pretty much pry the information out of him. But I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer, I let it flare until it consumed me. And once I heard he was planning on taking Dee, I couldn't hold back anymore. I left the cells ready to just kill him off, but Scott was there to calm me down.
And now, today they were testing both me and Scott in the most ridicules things. I had to order a pack meeting, and say this long drawn out speech about our fake attack and what they should do. I had just finished a physical test; I did ten obstacle courts alongside Scott, ran full speed in my wolf form for two hours nonstop, and just finished training the younger pups.
I was worn out and ready to just fall into bed and sleep off the rest of the day. It was totally different from yesterday. Yesterday I had felt nothing but anger and everything and everyone, but today, I was just too worn out. We got a little more information from on the pack of rogues, not a location on them, but a few more names and where there last head courters were thanks to Gavin, the boy in the cell.
Thankful that my father diverted the high council's attention to him I had some time to slip away and try to relax.
"Preston, we have a problem." Sasha burst into my office making me groan, or not.
Sighing I looked up at her, annoyance clear as day on my face. "What is it Sasha? Please, tell me it's not another test-" I began to complain but her next words stopped me cold.
"It's Dee." She rushed out. "Now, don't get all freaked out and do something you will regret!" She snapped when I sprang from my chair. Scott had told Sasha about Dee being my mate; he wanted a girl's opinion on how I should go about things with her.
"You burst inside my office, telling me something is wrong with Dee, and then expect me not to freak out!" I said in disbelief. She couldn't be serious.
"No, Yes, ugh just let me explain." She rushed out, sitting down in the chair opposite of me. "You know how Scott told you she acted out yesterday? Completely angry and pissed off at the world?" I nodded, waiting for her to get on with it. "Well I just came from her house, and found out that she fainted yesterday at work. She's been having these tidal waves of emotions, and it kinda just happened."
"She fainted!" I said filling myself panic, this isn't good.
"Yeah, but that's not the only thing that happened. When she fainted she..." She hesitated. "She saw what happened yesterday with the boy in the cell." She said making me stop in confusion.

Hiding My Heart
WerewolfDeidre -Dee- Johson has had a rough life. A mother who is a drunk, a father who ditched out on her and her brother and sister, and a boyfriend who suddenly lashed out on her and stole away her innocence then ditched. With the protection of her broth...