Chapter 33

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"What the hell were you two doing in that mill!?" Preston says lowly. 

He took us back to his house right after he caught us. He didn't say one word all he did was glare and demand for us to follow him. I had enough time to shove the note in my back pocket before he could see. I could tell we were going to be in so much trouble, and no amount of lying was going to get us out of it.  

I can see the look on his face that he knew we were there before, and since he didn't know how Jared smelt he must be wondering why there was another human scent. There was no lying about Jared now; I had to come clean because I know that if I didn't it will only cause more damage for me. Sasha had kept wincing on the ride here, so my guess was she was either getting yelled at by her brother or by Preston. I'm guessing both since Scott kept glaring at me, silently telling me I was in big trouble, I just knew him too well. 

I look over at Sasha, a little afraid of what would happen to her when I tell him. I don't want her getting in trouble for sneaking behind his back when I forced her too. 

"And don't try lying, I know for a fact that you two were in there yesterday, I can smell you all over the place to know that you didn't just show up yesterday. Now, what were you two doing there? When I specifically called a code yellow?" 

"What's a code yellow?" I ask confused. He sighs and rubs his temples, oh yeah, he wanted answers not to be asked question. 

"A rogue appearance, we got the call very early this morning." Preston says looking up at me. "Now, no more questions, I'm going to be the one asking questions. What were you two doing at the mill? 

"I-" I began. 

"We-" Sasha began. We both stop and glare over at each other. 

I just knew that she was going to take the blame and I couldn't allow that to happen. I didn't want to see her get hurt. And if it came from me then I won't get in too much trouble right? I am his mate after all, he wouldn't harm me. 

"It was my fault; I forced Sasha not to tell." I say looking away from her. 

"Not even, I won't let you-" I shoot her a look. 

"It was my fault." I say firmly looking at her, telling her to back down. When she deflates I turn to Preston, my mouth in a grim line. "I will tell you everything after Sasha is free to go, and you promise me she won't get into any form of trouble. Like I said it was my fault and I told her not to tell anyone, I actually demanded her silence. She had to go along with everything that I said."  

Preston hesitates at this and looks over at Sasha. I wait silently as he makes his decision. After a while he turns his eyes back to me and I feel myself square my shoulders and lift my chin up slightly, challenging him to protests. Slowly he nods his head. 

"Fine, you can explain but I can't promise anything." He says softly making my chin clench and my eyes narrow at him. 

"Fine, but if you give her any sort of punishment then I will pay the same punishment." I say lowly. 

He freezes at this, not expecting me to say that. He blinks once, then twice before opening his mouth then closing it once more. He shakes his head as if to clear it before sitting up straighter.  

"Very well then, you may go Sasha." He says. 

She begins to protest but I glare at her. "Go." I demand. Instantly she shudders and leaves the room faster than you can say fire. 

When I turn around I see Preston looking from the closed door to me then back again. I can see the gears in his head turning until it finally catches on and he gasps. 

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