Chapter 26

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"Well, this is one of the better hotels in this city." Sasha says moving into the small room. I guess that's true based off of the hotels we saw on our ride up here, all crummy looking and not safe.  

It was still small and held two small beds, a small table and tv. We got to the hotel a little before four; the concert was at seven leaving us two hours to get ready since Sasha wanted to be at the arena an hour early. 

"Dibs on shower," I yell running to the bathroom, not even bothering to unpack my bag. We were going to be here until the morning, and leaving as soon as we got up so there really was no need to unpack my things. 

Undressing and jumping into the warm shower I started washing my body of the dirty feeling I had. I may have been sitting in a car all day but I still felt dirty when we had to stop at some run down gas stations so we could use the bathroom. Honestly the most disgusting thing I had encountered. Sasha comes in a little while later shouting at me to hurry it on up. 

After washing my hair and body I grab one of the towels and wrap it around my body, allowing her to take over the bathroom for her shower. Putting my iPod on I went to the playlist that Sasha made especially for this night, all of Hunter Hayes songs. Drying off I hum along to the music and change into the outfit Sasha had provided for me. A pair of jeans that fit just right, a pair of dark cowgirl boots and a white lacy t-shirt that fit just a little too tight, as cute as it was it made me feel like the old me. She even provided me with a cowgirl hat. I laugh and toss it aside. 

Sasha may like hip hop music and the top hits but she loved country music all the more. Even enough to dress up as a cowgirl for the night when we both know she is anything but. She does look cute in country clothes, but she is just too modern and too stylish to dress like a cowgirl. She is one of those girls that talks fashion and knows all the name brands. I'm pretty sure she has some designer clothes. She could be a model with how pretty she is and the clothes she wears. 

I let my hair air dry into its natural waves and decide on my make up just as Sasha steps out of the bathroom and rushes to get dressed in the white lacy dress, jean over jacket and cowgirl boots, yes along with the hat too.  

"Keep your hair like that." Sasha says to me after she gets dressed and starts brushing her hair. "It may get hot in the arena but I could always put it in a bun for you later, it looks cute when you let it air dry into your natural waves." She says and I nod. "Oh and, not too much makeup, you'll just sweat it off." She advices. 

I nod and take her advice with only putting mascara and eyeliner on with a small dab of clear lip gloss. No concealer for me, I rather not clog up my pores. 

"Man I am not looking forward to the drive back." I groan out lying on the bed I had called mine. 

"Me either, it was a pain sitting that long." Sasha agrees finishing putting her hair up in a cute messy bun, and started on her make up. 

"You know we can always just stay one more day here." I say, "Since it's only Friday, we can just lazy around tomorrow then leave early Sunday morning."  

She thinks it over for a bit before sighing. "Preston would kill me if I didn't have you back tomorrow. He's been dying just to have you and him time." She says. 

I nod, well so much for my plan. But then I brighten at the thought of spending the day with Preston. No interruptions he said, just the two of us. Right then I just didn't want to be here any longer than necessary. 

"How long do you think the concerts going to be?" I ask sitting up. 

She shrugs and looks at her watch. "Well it could be to two to three hours long. It depends on the opening act." She says. 

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