Chapter 20

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pack house ------->

"Sasha," I say from her bed Friday night. We decided to stay in for the night, a girl's night at her house.  

I didn't feel right leaving Brayden home by himself, but Sasha had reassured me that Preston doubled the patrol and guards at my house while he was gone. I felt my insides melt at his worry over me. 

"Can you believe him?" She huffs coming back into the room with chocolate, popcorn, candy and some sodas. 

"Sasha, it wasn't that bad-" I try to calm her down but her glare stopped me making me swallow. "Ok, so it was bad. And I'm sorry, I should have stopped him sooner, but you didn't help yourself either." I point out. 

Before we had come over to her house she had picked me up almost an hour ago. And well she and Kelly had a nasty run in. And I mean nasty. Preston was taking a shower at the time so he didn't witness what really happened. Kelly had come through the front door like she owned the place, knocking Sasha to her feet at her abrupt entrance. Some choice words were said, yelling and almost a fight, to which both Brayden and I had stopped. But Brayden being Brayden had blamed Sasha and told her to 'get the hell out'. She was still holding onto it. And I would too at the things Kelly had called her, things I will not repeat.  

I warned Brayden that we will have a little chat when I got home the next day. I had to practically drag Sasha away from my house and it almost took thirty minutes for her to calm down enough to drive. And now here we are at her house sporting facial masks watching Pride and Prejudice and giving each other Mani Pedi's.  

"Can we take the masks off yet?" I complain, it's been twenty minutes since we had them on. The instructions told us to let it harden and dry, once it's dry we rinse them off. 

"Let me see," She says touching my face mask, I can't even feel her fingers. "Yup, we are good to go."  

Thank goodness. I didn't waste any time rinsing it off, the cool water draining the mask down the drain, it felt smooth on my skin. Taking the lotion that Sasha held out to me I moisturized my face just like the instructions say. When I'm finally finished my fingers trace my face, it was as smooth as a baby's bottom. It left my skin glowing. 

"I hate wearing that thing, but it does do wonders for your skin." I say looking closer at my skin, my pores shrunk too, thank goodness. 

"It sure does, now hurry, Mr. Darcy arrives soon." She says dragging me back to her room. Scott had left with his father to the meeting right after school also, leaving Sasha and her mom behind. And Sasha being Sasha convinced her mom to go hang out with Jamie, Preston's mom, for the night leaving the house to ourselves. 

"Oh how I wish I could have my very own Mr. Darcy." I sigh dreamily as I watch him walk into the dance hall with the Bingley siblings. 

"Duh, you have Preston." She teases making my cheeks heat up, I turn and throw a pillow at her lightly. 

"Shut it."  

She just laughed and tossed it back at me, luckily I caught it before it could hit my face. "Oh come on, you have to tell me more about it, please." She begged making me roll my eyes. 

"There's nothing to tell," I say turning to her as she grabs my foot, unscrewing a bottle of nail polish. "Just a French tip, last time my toe nails were lime green for over a month." I warned her. Last time we had done this she decided to do a bright color for the start of summer, it didn't work out so well since my toes practically glowed in the sun light. And no amount of scrubbing with remover worked. 

She grinned at me before nodding. "I got it; now tell me do you like him?" 

"Mr. Darcy? Of course, with those eyes that capture everything, that accent-" I teased her but when she threatened to make my toe nails look hideous I sigh and answer truthfully. "I guess I do, but it doesn't really matter." 

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