Chapter 13

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Teresa Palmer (Elizabeth)--------->

I was ready on Monday morning for Preston. Ever since my dream I knew exactly what I was going to tell him. I need to start at the beginning, and sadly that all starts with my screwed up mother. All weekend I had been feeling a little different. I woke up on Saturday feeling empowered, refreshed and a small fire in my veins. I couldn't understand my feelings. It was like something shifted that night, the feelings I had before were more pronounced. 

Shaking the thoughts from my head I walk up the schools steps and into the crowded hallways. Brayden had allowed me to take the car since he had Kelly stay the night last night leaving her to drive him around today. Everyone stares at me as I walk past, some whispering, and some snickering. I should be used to this by now but today it seems... different. Why? Because Katy isn't there to rub it in my face or antagonize me as I walk in. In fact there is no sign of her at all; she's normally here early just to mess with me. 

Pulling my locker open I ignore the stares and place my back pack on one of the hooks. I did my morning routine gathering up the books that I need and going through a mental checklist of what I have and what I need.  

"That little b_tch," A voice hisses from my shoulder in my ear making me jump. Turning I see Sasha leaning against the locker next to mine. 

"What?" I ask in surprise, scanning the area for her brother and the rest of the gang. 

"Caine! I swear, he's hit the last nerve with me." She huffs crossing her arms.  

"What happened this time?" I ask a little distracted watching Preston walk in. 

I didn't hear her answer as I felt something shift once his eyes met mine. The pull towards him is stronger than last time I saw him. He looks... stronger, older. I take in his appearance as if it was the first time I have seen him. He stands taller, his clothes fitting his muscles perfectly, he just... emanated power. I am mesmerized by him. It is like something flipped on inside me, something warm and possessive.  

Shaking my head I turn my eyes down, confused at these strange feelings. I am aware of him as he walks towards Sasha and I, it is like I can feel every move he makes. Breathing in deep all I can smell is him, all I can sense is him. It is overhaul and dragging me into a place I haven't' been since the accident. Holy freak, I am attracted to Preston. No! It's too soon; I can't have anyone, not after what happened to me. Besides he has a mate somewhere out there! That's right keep thinking that way. He is a werewolf you are a human, there is no way he can like me back. So get that thought out of your mind! I scowl myself.  

"... Can you believe that?" Sasha asks pulling me back to the present. 

I shrug raising my eyes to pretend that I was paying attention. "I don't really know?" I say trying to cover up my tracks of not paying attention.  

She narrows her eyes at me, about to complain no doubt of me not paying attention but Preston and Scott interrupts her. 

"Hey, how's our favorite girl doing?" Scott asks grinning from ear to ear, pinching my cheek lightly. 

I glare at him and swat his hand away; he is too cheerful for a Monday. I notice he too stood taller, he has this power about him, but it isn't as strong as Preston's.  

"I'm just peachy." I say my voice oozing with sarcasm as I roll my eyes at him.  

"You should be, Katy isn't here to bully you." He points out but he speaks too soon as the doors open once more and Katy comes in strutting the halls as if she owns the place. Her friends seeing her rush to her side talking like no other, asking her questions it looks like. She grins smugly and moves her hair unto one shoulder, leaving her neck exposed on one side. My eyes widen at the bluish purple bruise that laid there. But the squealing of her friends make me realize it is a hickey. I grimace. Gross. 

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