Chapter 42

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"Well?" I ask softly the next day. 

I sit on a stool watching Dr. Manor and David work on my blood work; it's been thirty minutes since they drew my blood. I was nervous like I've never been before, not just because I will have to get a hold of my wolf but because of the claiming that is supposed to happen later tonight. School started in thirty minutes and I needed the results before I left. 

"We are almost done. How are you feeling?" Dr. Manor asked. 

I shrug. "Like I normally do, no mood swings or the urge to go kill someone," I say sarcastically. 

She mumbles something under her breath before going back to work. I sigh and rub my temples lightly. 

"I guess I'm a little more sarcastic then normal and I have had a headache since I woke up this morning." I tell the truth. 

Ever since I woke up this morning I felt as if this pressure was pushing against my skull, like something wanted to break into my head. No amount of medicine has gotten rid of it. 

She nods as if expecting that to happen. "What else?" David asks writing something in a book. 

I roll my eyes and huff out an irritated breath. "My eyes hurt this morning when I woke up; everything was too bright and a little fuzzy before. But now they are getting better, I didn't have to put my glasses or contacts on when I left the house. It was like all the sudden I have 20, 20 vision." I blabber on. "I was a little achy this morning but after doing my morning stretches and drinking that protein shake you told me about it stopped." 

David nods and writes even more. "Perfect." 

I lean against the chair even more, thinking what else happened that has been strange lately? I tap my finger on the counter as I think. 

"I think that's it." I mumble. 

"Got it!" Dr. Manor sings tapping something and the printer starts going crazy.  

I straighten in my chair and watch as she runs to the printer and snatches a few pieces of paper. She shuffles through them and looks through them. 

"Well?" I ask impatiently as I watch her read them. "Are you going to tell me or not?" I snap. 

Dr. Manor and David look at me in surprise making me realize my first ever mood swing. I hunch over in my seat and sigh deeply. 

"And so it begins, I'm sorry." I say. 

She clears her throat and walks up to me, placing the pieces of paper on the counter top. 

"Here we are," She mumbles showing me the same graph she did the first time I came to her about this problem. 

"Just last night, a little after midnight you had your first bump into the werewolf," She says pointing to the time line, the thin little blue mark that had been at the bottom of the page had bumped up a little around twelve thirty last night. 

"Ok, so this is good right? If it just goes little by little and not just full on," I mumble to myself. If my big blow up happened then I would feel better. But looking at this graph the little bumps are spread out and very unpredictable, which means these mood swings were going to be unpredictable. 

"And this is your blood cell now." She says pointing to the picture of the blood cell. 

I smile softly when I noticed all the white was gone, not one speck was left. "And you're sure that the wolfs bane is gone?" I whisper. 

She hesitates for a bit before answering. "Actually I'm not convinced just yet that it's all washed away, only because I don't smell your wolf at all. I would like to stop by school at lunch time and get your blood work done again and see if we can smell out your wolf. I'm sure that these little mood swings are going to add up to a huge mood swing, that's when your wolf will make its self-known. Right now it's still getting used to the wolfs bane washing out. Some cells have gotten rid of it, others haven't just yet." She explains 

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