Chapter 29

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The next day was hard for me to get through. I avoided my friends as much as possible, only talking to them at lunch. But even then I mostly talked to Avery. I was so ready for school to be over with so I could go to my lesson. I was exciting for it to finally happen so I could learn how to defend myself. The class meets up three times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I was lucky enough to call in right at the right moment. 

When the day was finally over with I rushed outside where Brayden was parked ready to drop me off at the class. I had talked him into not staying for the class, just to come pick me up afterward, which he agreed halfheartedly. He told me he would just run some errands for the next hour and a half. 

Jumping into the car I realized I didn't even bother to say good bye to my friends, not that I was talking to them or anything. When we pulled into the gym's parking lot I let out a soft sigh. Here goes nothing. 

"I'll see you in an hour and half ok." He says as I slip out of the car. I nod and hurry inside. I see a locker room off to the side and decide to change in there.  

There are other women who are changing, talking about their days to one another. I remain silent as I change and stuff my things in one of the lockers provided for us, a key already presented to me for the lock. I place the key in my sports bra once I'm changed into my baggy clothes.  

I just started to put my hair in a ponytail when I see Sasha walk into the locker room, dressed and ready to go. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask as she stands next to me. 

"Taking this class," She says with a shrug.  

I narrow my eyes at her and fold my arms across my chest. "I don't need a babysitter." I hiss lowly at her. 

She sighs and leans against the lockers. "Can we perhaps talk about this after class? It's time to go." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me to the class.  

I pout and ignore her for the rest of the time. I knew she came here just to babysit me for Preston's sake, which is stupid and angers me even more. I can't believe he thinks I need a babysitter; this is why I'm ignoring him in the first place! Can't he see that he's not really helping his case?  

I pay attention in class once the instructor comes in with the 'attacker', a boy who is dressed in padding, and tells us the rules of her class and what she expects us to do. Being beginners the only thing we really learned how to do was how to get out of a hold of our attacker. She split us off in groups for the first half hour to practice with our partner. 

I naturally got picked with Sasha. I did as I was instructed; listening carefully to the instructor as she came over to help me understand the hold I had to place on Sasha in order to get away. I struggled at first but naturally got the swing of things and was getting out of Sasha's hold easily. Even though I could tell that her hold wasn't tight at all and that she was taking it easy on me I didn't let that bring down my mood. 

For the last hour we each had a turn on getting out of the 'attackers' hold. I was a little scared at first, only because I hate when people grab me from behind, but I got over it quickly and focused on what I was taught how to do. It was hard at first since he actually grabbed a hold of me; unlike Sasha, but after a few more tries I slipped away from him quickly. When the time was dwindling down the instructor gave us some papers to help us out in the long run, an over view of what we just learned and a possible schedule to work out to. Something that I seemed to need. Getting away from an attacker could be easy but I don't have the muscles force to help back me up. 

With the papers in hand I go to the locker room and grab my things, set on leaving but Sasha holds me back, forcing me to walk with her. 

"Can I come over to your house? I really need to talk to you." She pleads.  

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