Chapter 5

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Colton Haynes (Preston)------->

Stumbling my way around my room I pulled some pants on. It was six fifty on a cold, cloudy November Monday. Snatching a concert t-shirt I pulled it on, knowing it was going to be cold outside I grabbed one of my favorite hoodies and pulled it on. 

I dreaded school today and every day. After the accident I went from being miss popular to freak. But I am ok with that, I just can't stand the rumors that are STILL being spread about me and my 'downfall from being miss glam' to 'nerd, freak.' Throwing my hair in a sloppy ponytail I grabbed my book bag and put on my dorky glasses and headed towards the kitchen. 

"Good morning sunshine." Brayden said through a mouthful of cereal.  

I grunted a response and stuffed a granola bar in my mouth. Hearing a horn blaze from outside I finished the bar then ran to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Grabbing my shoes I was out the door and in Scott's car in a matter of seconds. Sasha sat in the back, letting me have shotgun for once. 

"Took you long enough." Scott complained. 

"Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes. I put my converse on my feet and tied them. 

We rode the five minute ride in silence, which was unusual because we were never this silent. I didn't understand the silence until we pulled into the school parking lot. A crowd of people were crowded around a car, and leaning against one of them was Preston. When we parked in our usual spot, near the end we made no move to get out. 

"This changes things, doesn't it?" I whispered. Scott shrugged but I could tell he knew it did. 

"Just a little, it means our crowed will get bigger," I sighed and looked down. 

"So it won't be just the three of us, no more misfit three?" I asked. I don't know why I was so sad about this. Maybe it's because we went through a lot since last year when they moved here. I trusted them, and now these people are coming in. I felt as if I was their replacement; they knew all these new kids since birth and me for only a few years. They had connections to these people, I didn't. 

As if reading my mind Sasha leaned forward and said, "Don't even think about it. You are my best friend, just because we are back with the pack that doesn't change anything. You are still my go to girl, you weren't a replacement. Beside they aren't my biggest fans." She said squeezing my shoulder. I sighed and gave her a small smile. Scott reached for my hand and squeezed it. 

"Let's go." I said gathering my stuff and slipping out of the car. As we walked up to the crowed I looked up and saw Katy leaning into Preston. She looked like a total skank. When she saw me looking she sneered then grinned. I looked away not liking that smile, it promised humiliation. 

Sure enough as we walked past the group someone stuck their foot out at the last second and tripped me. I fell hard on my hands and knees. Laughter erupted around me as I struggled to my feet. Turning around to glare my vision was blocked by someone. Looking up I saw Preston looking down at me with a pained expression on his face. 

"Are you ok?" He asked causing the laughter to stop. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled looking at the ground. 

"Don't hang around that thing for too long Preston; you might catch her freak disease." Katy's voice said. Great, now that new people were here Katy is going to humiliate and bully me even more. Ducking my head I took a couple steps back and turned to leave but Sasha stopped me. 

"Hey b_tch." Sasha growled at Katy, she then smirked and looked at Preston. "Don't hang around the slut for too long Preston, you might catch one of her STD'S." and with that said Sasha grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowed. 

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