Chapter 2

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Nina Dobrev (Sasha) -------->

We stood outside the club in a line, luckily we got here early enough that we were close to the front. As we waited we talked and huddled close, the cold November air nipping at our exposed skin. Well at least it was on mine. 

"I.D." the bouncer barked holding his fat hand out. 

I gave him my I.D. He looked at it for a long moment before looking up at me before looking back at the little picture with information around it. Ok seriously this guy was taking his job a little too seriously. I mean it's a teen club. 

Without saying a word he handed my I.D. back to me and stepped aside, allowing us to go inside. Sasha grabbed my hand and I grabbed Scott's as she pulled us into the club. I watched my step as she dragged us deeper and deeper into the club and into the dancing crowed. I looked up and saw she was navigating our way to an empty booth in a corner. 

"This is crazy." She shouted as she sat down. I nodded and looked around.  

It really was crazy; there were platforms that lined on the walls, where girls or couples could dance if they wanted to. There were strobe lights going off and different lights blinking every now and then. The 'Bar' was on the back wall, booths and cushions lined the other walls, leaving the middle as the dance floor. The DJ was on its own little separate platform by the door. Low light hung from the ceiling giving off some lights, but not a whole lot. I felt so out of my element, I wanted to go home. 

Turning to shout something at Sasha no words came out when I saw a guy bending over her and whispering something in her ear. She nodded and sent a wink my way; she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dance floor. I sighed. I knew she was going to ditch me. Figures. 

Scott stood up and my heart sunk. Great, he was ditching me too. But he turned to me and held out his hand. Smiling up at him with relief I smiled back and let him pull me to the dance floor. I felt a little nervous about this; I haven't danced with another guy since my accident. I reminded myself that this was Scott. And that he would protect me, not hurt me. With that in mind I let him put his arms around my waist. The dance floor was pretty jammed so I scooted closer to him and put my arms around his neck and placed my hips flush against his. 

He seemed a little surprised when I started moving to the beat and I couldn't help but laugh. I moved up so I could talk to him. 

"Don't be so surprised, I trust you, and Sasha's right, I need to live a little. For one night, I will forget everything that happened. But just for tonight." I told him, pulling back I saw him grinning from ear to ear. He nodded and started moving his hips with mine. I knew he was happy that I finally agreed to be happy, but it was only for one night. 

We moved our hips together as we swayed to the beat. For the first time since the accident I let myself smile and laugh. I felt like the old me, and it was a little refreshing to know that I haven't lost her. Laughing at the feeling I got more and more as the song went on I let my hands trail down Scott's chest and bent a little so I was grinding down his body. I looked up and saw his shocked face, it just made me feel even giddier. We never danced like this, even before the accident. I was always a flirt, even with Scott. But I never grinded on a guy like this, ever.  

As I moved back up his hands moved from my hips down so they rested just above my butt. I cut him a look but he just shrugged it away and smiled down at me. We continued to bump and grind on each other as time passed. Song after Song we danced, my feet were killing me and my throat was dry. I need a break. 

As if reading my mind Scott grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the dance floor. 

"Want a drink?" He shouted as we made our way towards the 'bar' I nodded and let him pull me the rest of the way. 

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