Chapter 34

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"Where are you going?" Brayden asks when I move to leave the house. 

"Preston's," I say tugging my shoes on. 

He raises an eyebrow at this and narrows his eyes at me. "You have been spending a lot of time over there." 

I raise my own eyebrows at my brother. "Cut the act, I know you gave him the green light to ask me out." I tease making him scowl. 

"I just wanted to play the overprotective brother." He grumbles making me laugh. 

"You are the overprotective brother, but I also know that you like Preston, so the act doesn't really work." I point out making him grin. 

"I'm happy for you, you know that right?" He asks leaning against the wall. "I never thought you were going to be like the old you again, the happy carefree girl. Even though I helped you change I do miss the old Dee, not so much the attitude though." I grin. 

"Oh please, the attitude was the best part." I pout. 

He smiles before coming up to me and hugging me. "I'm just glad you're allowing another guy into your life. I see the way he looks at you and respects you. I like that and I respect him for that. He knows your boundaries and is willingly giving you time to make the decisions. I really am proud of you." 

I smile up at him and give him one last hug before pulling back, hearing a car out in the driveway.  

"Don't stay out too late, it is a school night." He says. 

It is Wednesday and I'm finally getting to use the weapons. Not only the cool looking guns that fire pure silver darts and bullets but I also get to know the basics of the dust wolfs bane and the dagger that is not only made out of pure silver but also has a gold tip that is made out of wolfs bane. Earlier this week I had to defend myself without the weapons against a werewolf. It was hard at first but I was finally getting stronger with the time that I spent in the gym also. Preston finally told me that I was ready to work with the weapons. Now my lessons are gym training for an hour then weapon training for the rest of the time. But since it's a school night we opted to leave gym out since I couldn't come over straight out of school. 

"I won't, I'll see you later tonight." I say before slipping out of the door and running to Sasha's car. 

"Ready for target practice?" She asks making me huff. 

"If this is anything like archer last year in gym then it's pointless." I say deadpan.  

Last year in gym we did archery for a full month. I couldn't even get one arrow into the target, they always were either too short or I would miss the target by several feet higher. It was a nightmare and completely embarrassing but no amount of practice would help. 

She chuckles. "Well..." She trails off making me groan. This isn't going to be good. 

True to her unspoken words there were targets several feet away. Preston took me out back with a huge bag slung over his shoulder when I arrived. He told me we would work with wolfs bane dust first since it's the easiest. I didn't understand why I needed practice with this one since all I had to do was throw it in the air by the werewolf and hope he sniffs it in. 

But I didn't want to complain too much so I just listened to his instruction and let them clear a few feet away as I threw the dust around me. 

"Now, if you had a weapon that will give you enough time to set it up, wither it be a dagger or an arrow-" 

"Whoa, wait I have to shoot like a bow and arrow? Since when was that a weapon you use?" I protest. 

"Since Dr. Manor sent it last night." Preston grins at me. Sasha already must have told him my failed attempt at archery. 

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