Chapter 30

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In class the next day I learned how to not only how to get out of my attackers hold but to also throw in a punch and an elbow jab before I run away. It was nice learning more defensive moves rather than just learn how to get out of the hold. I didn't mind Sasha there anymore; it's actually really nice to have someone to talk to. I even talked her into using some of her werewolf strength, she didn't really approve at first but the look I shot her shut her up fast. 

Preston returned to class the next day with me to school. It was nice being Katy and Jared free but I know that it is also a bad thing. I decided not to tell Preston just yet about Jared being in the plan only because I think it's still too soon to tell him. I know he's going to be pissed that I kept this from him, but I have my reasons, all of which are good and will hopefully get me out of trouble with him when the time comes. 

I haven't been in the attic since I have first found my mother's old journals. When I came home last night I actually went through her old high school yearbooks, none of which had any mention or picture of Joey. They must have met after high school. Going and seeing what her friends wrote blew my mind away. It was like my mother was a totally different person. She was class President in almost every club there was and she had so many friends, there wasn't one bad thing said about her. 

"Hey," A shoulder bumps with mine, jabbing me out of my thoughts. After the class I had to go into work for a few hours, my time dwindling down until I can finally go home. 

Luckily Janice was too busy this week to really look over the schedule and she ended up putting both Sasha and I on the same time. 

"Hey," I say back grinning at my best friend.  

"So I think it's time we drop in on our little friend." She says leaning against the counter. 

I freeze at her words. "You're sure?" I ask biting my lip lightly. 

She nods. "Well, I was actually thinking that I could poke around her house, do a little surveillance. Just to make sure that we have the right place. She may have the flu or it's a cover up." She says making me nod. 

"Ok, when did you want to do this?" 

She shakes her head at me. "I love you to death Dee, and I told myself I'm not going to baby you anymore but I'm doing this one solo." 

"But-" I protest but she laughs. 

"Dee your ninja skills suck, I'm sorry to say. But when you try to sneak it's like an elephant stomping around. I'm not doing this because I think it's dangerous, I mean how hard is it just to peek through a window? I'm doing this because you will get us caught." 

I pout but nod. It's true my ninja skills have been lacking these past few years. I'm heavy on the feet what can I say? 

"Fine, but how about I wait in the car? You know show off those car skills of mine in the getaway car." 

She thinks it through before nodding. "Ok, fine." 

"So when did you want to do this?" I ask. 

"Tomorrow during school," 

"Uh-" I pause there is no way I can miss school again, Brayden will kill me. "I can't tomorrow; I've missed enough school as it is." I say in defeat. 

She nods. "How about after school then, I was going to go poking around tonight..." She trails off making me sigh. 

"Then I'm coming with tonight." I say. 

She nods. "Ok-" 

"I told you two not to make me separate you again." Janice hollers from the kitchen I laugh and salute her as she peeks out through the small window and get back to work. 

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