Chapter 16

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Riley Keough (Vanessa)------->

We don't talk as he leads me down the basement stares and down another hallway where one door was all metal. He pauses outside of that door, looking out at me as if making sure I was ready for this. With a nod he opens the door letting me enter first. There is another door we have to go through before we enter into what I'm assuming is the holding place. 

"Can I talk to them?" I ask. 

He hesitates but nods. "Sure, I don't see why not, just be careful." I nod as he opens the door. 

With a deep breath I walk through the door and look at the room. There are cells lining up against the walls, taking a small step in I move forward until I peak into the first cell. There is the boy, Gavin, from the vision I had. Unlike that time though he looks better, well fed. 

His elbows are propped on his legs, his head in his hands all I can see is a mop of blonde hair. Upon hearing me come in his head comes up and he looks at me. I gasp; he looks exactly like he did in the vision. Seeing me his eyes turn confused as he looks behind me to Preston. 

"Here you go, sorry we didn't give this to you sooner." Preston says sliding a tray of food into the cell. 

Gavin looks from it to me then back again. "Thanks."  

"I'll be back ok? I need to go give this to Robin." I nod and look in at Gavin. 

Hesitating I slowly sit down next to the bars cross legged, resting my elbow on my knee, my head lightly resting on my palm. We don't speak as I watch him slowly eat his dinner. I hear Preston's soft voice talking to another, looking down I see him slid the tray towards a small hand. With a nod he comes back and sits next to me. 

"Hey," I say quietly to him. "How old are you?" 

He swallows a bite of food before replying. "18."  

I nod, biting my lip looking over at Preston. He nods encouragingly; I didn't know exactly what to say or what he wanted to test out. So looking back at Gavin I study him for a little bit until I find the courage to speak again. 

"You were the wolf outside my house? With the alpha?" 

He nods looking guilty. "Yes." He mutters. 

I fidget nervously at this. "What was he doing?" 

He looks up at this in surprise. "He was just watching you. I didn't really know his plan since we don't have the pack link. I was only told to attack anyone who came near him." 

I remember the feeling of being watched but I had shrugged it from my mind, too focused into my book. 

"What's your name?" He asks suddenly. 

"I'm Dee," I say. 

Gavin slows his chewing as he looks at me. "Deidre?" He asks softly making me gasp in surprise. 

Preston tenses up beside me; slowly I rest my hand on his knee, showing him it was ok. I look him in the eye and nod my head to show that it was ok. When he got the message I removed my hand from his knee and look at Gavin. 

"How did you know that?" I ask him. 

"That was the only information they gave me about you." 

"So these people know me? They are looking for me." I whisper deep in thought. 

But this makes no sense, how can they know me? A werewolf knows me by name. But I don't know any werewolves until I met Sasha and Scott. How can this person know me? 

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