Chapter 18

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Liev Schribier (Joey)------->

It wasn't until after dinner that Dr. Manor had arrived. I've been talking to pack members all day and couldn't see Preston since he was swamped with meetings and paperwork for his pack. I didn't get to talk to him about the information that I received from Robin. Everyone has seemed to take a liking to me already though. But for some reason they treated me with extra respect, if I needed something everyone was quick to go get, like they wanted to please me or something. 

I haven't heard much from Brayden today, but that's because he had to work all day to day. I stayed and helped with dinner, getting to know Preston's mom Jamie even more. She seemed to tone down the following me around, but still asked so many questions it was driving me slightly crazy. It wasn't until dinner was served that I finally got a break from her. I sat sandwich in between Sasha and Scott. I was amazed at how many people fit into the room. The kids ate out on the back deck, that way they can still go play whenever they wanted. 

Throughout dinner I could feel Preston's eyes on me. Ever since this morning when I hugged him and ended up holding him I felt him all throughout the day. It was strange, but I didn't seem to mind it, it helped ease my mind. But even throughout dinner I didn't get to talk to him much since someone was always engaging him in a conversation. It wasn't until the dishes were done and everyone was saying goodnight that I found him in his office, alone for once. 

When I entered in he motioned me to sit down in one of the chairs opposite of him. I couldn't help but giggle a little as I sat down. I felt like a school student being sent into the principal's office. 

"Today was pretty busy." I say leaning back in the chair. 

He sighs and rubs his temples. "It was, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the lead council." 

"The ones who had to test you?" I ask and he nods. "Can they be intimidating?" 

"Yeah, they dictate whose alpha, they make the rules, and they make the punishments. I hate answering to them, but it's something I can't skip out on." 

"Do you have to report what happened last night to them?" I ask. 

He shakes his head no. "Not really, on some things you do. But I just don't want to deal with them right now so I won't." 

I nod. "Look, I need to tell you something but you have to promise to keep an opened mind." I say to him, my grey eyes meeting his icy blue ones. 

His head cocks to the side a little at this. "I'll try." He finally says. 

I bite my lip and realize that's all he's going to give me; I guess that's good enough. "I don't want you killing Robin and Gavin." I finally say, his sharp intake of breath makes me go on in a rush, "Only because I talked to her today and she explained her past to me and I really don't think it's her fault or her brothers for spying on me. I mean I wasn't even hurt by them, they didn't even know what they were doing-" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dee, slow down." He interrupts me, holding his hands up. "Take a breath, I'll listen to every word you say, just calm it down." 

I take a breath like he instructs and start over again. "I talked to Robin today and she told me about her past." I begin and he nods for me to continue. And so I tell him all that Robin told me, about them not fully understanding, how she is like, what her favorite color is. I tell him all about the Robin I have come to know today. And he sits and listens to every word I say. When I finish he is quiet, and is just staring at me with calculating, proud eyes. 

"I'm really impressed by what you did today Dee." He finally says leaning back in his chair. "Thank you for getting through to her. I haven't been down there since I took you the first time because I was getting frustrated at them not telling me anything. This clears a lot up for me and helps with my decision on what to do with them." 

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