Chapter 31

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"This is impossible!" I groan out as I'm knocked to my feet once more, the massive black beast standing over me, pinning me on the ground gently. 

I hear a wolfish chuckle before I get a lick on the nose with its massive tongue. I laugh and push him off me, rubbing my nose clean. 

"Gross." I tease sitting up, hearing Sasha and Scott chuckle. 

It was one o'clock and I was nowhere near ready to take on a grown werewolf. When I had arrive at ten I was expecting to be able to get out of their hold and practice with them in their human form, but I was wrong. Preston told me that he wanted me to learn defense against a werewolf, and without further instructions he changed into his wolf. 

Sasha and Scott had given me pointers on how to defend myself against a werewolf, where their weak spots are, but it was no use. I was knocked down to the ground by Preston over and over and over again. I just didn't have the muscles to fight against him. 

"Seriously, I don't think humans defending themselves against werewolves are possible unless they have weapons." I emphasize on the weapons part. Preston had told me that I could work with the weapons, but so far they are still locked up in the basement. Dr. Manor had sent them a few days ago I guess with promises of sending more. 

Not yet, I want you to at least beat me out of a hold. Preston says. 

I huff and cross my arms over my chest and glare at the massive wolf in front of me. "It's no use, not when you have experience, claws and teeth the size of boulders." 

Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "I think that's the point Dee. As much as he hates to think this way but you have to get pinned down. Even though it leaves you helpless-" Preston growls at this, "But it's your only shot to get to his weak spot, it will stun him long enough for you to get up and maybe even land a few more shots at his weak spots." 

"So you're basically telling me that I have to get pinned down and have to hurry up and hit his weak pot before I get my throat ripped out?" I huff glaring at one of my best friends.  

He seems to think about it for a moment before nodding. "That's exactly what I'm telling you." He says. 

I groan and shake my head. "These lessons are pointless then-" I don't have time to say anymore since I'm knocked to the ground once more, Preston hovering over me. 

"No fair." I pout up at him I see him smile and his eyes leave my body for a second. I strike then, my arm swinging as hard as it could until I reach the spot where his neck meets his shoulder. I jam my fist right where Sasha had pointed out with as much force as I can muster.  

He whimpers and staggers on his feet for a few seconds. I scramble out from underneath him and swing my leg around to hit at the same spot as before. This has him on the ground, his legs too weak to hold him up. 

I hear clapping on the side but I ignore them and kneel down next to the wolf. I pet his hair lightly. 

"Sorry," I whisper kissing the side of his head lightly. He huffs but doesn't make any more sounds. "Did I do it right?" I ask looking up at Sasha and Scott. 

They nod. "You did well." 

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that's what I had to do in the first place?" I groan realizing that even though it worked I still hurt Preston. 

"Because it was fun seeing you try to fight Preston," Scott says making me roll my eyes. 

"Are you ok?" I ask looking down at Preston. He sits up and nods, the weakness I saw before completely gone. 

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