Chapter 27

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**Preston's P.O.V** 

"A day off?" Scott says when I come into my office at noon. I had overslept and just decided to take Dee's advice. A day off for everyone but patrol, I'll switch them off so they can have equal time off. 

"Yeah, Dee made me realize that I've been working you all too much." I admit rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Whipped!" Scott shouts making me glare at him, but at the thought of Dee a smile over comes my face. I will gladly admit to being whipped for her. 

"Oh shut it." I huff out. "So what are you going to do with your day off?" I ask generally curious. We haven't really hung out much since I've got here. 

"Go down and see Robin. She has agreed I could tutor her." He says beaming at the thought of his mate. 

"Whipped!" I shout making him laugh. 

"Guess I should have seen that one coming." He says laughing again. 

"How are things going with you two?" I ask.  

Since they have been studying hard in learning all about Werewolves I have been down quizzing them about the history and what they know. And they are fast to study and know more than most on werewolf history. It hasn't been until a few days ago that I realized that they still need to work on their education outside of werewolf history. So I have gotten the school to lend my some of their books, well my father did. He had to offer them money and agreed to be one of their sponsors just to get the free books. But in most territories the werewolf community tries in some way to merge with the human community. Thanks to Luke we got to be a sponsor and free books. 

I have given them books and told them that I will assign some tutors for them. My mother and some other females have offered to help them out during the day and when school lets out Scott volunteered whenever he could. Robin was cautious at first, not trusting the males, but she had agreed for Scott to help her out in Math since most of the women complained about it. 

"They are going better, she's a little more open to me, I guess Dee must have put in a good word for me." He lets out a soft chuckle at this. "When do you think they can come up, and have a run?"  

I sigh and shrug. "I don't know Scott, I honestly don't. I wanted to wait to see when we could catch the rogues. But they are still in hiding and I don't trust the pack to act well with it. You know how they are about rogues, and they are the enemy in this case for now until we can clear up their names." 

"But your mother and the other ladies love them; they see who they really are. If we just explain what happened to them-" 

"How would you feel to have your mate roam around the pack grounds with Caine on the loose?" I ask cutting him off.  

We all know how Caine feels about humans and rogues. He's one of those pure bloods who think everyone should worship them, that they are powerful then everyone out there. I blame his father for that, that's how he grew up and unfortunately that's how he taught his son how to grow up. His mother hates their outlook in life but can't do much to change their minds. She's one of the ladies who have offered to teach Robin and Gavin. 

"Good point." Scott finally huffs out folding his arms over his chest. 

I nod. "I have decided to let them join our pack or another pack that will accept them. I will explain their situation to everyone, even the other packs. But not right now not when we still have the rogues to think about. Once this is over and we finish off the rogue pack I will let them go. But for now I can't, it's for their safety." I say making Scott nod his head sadly. 

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