Robbie Amell (Scott) ---------->
We walked into my house with a stumbling Sasha. She was laughing loudly and talking about finding her mate.
"You guys can stay tonight." I said hauling Sasha towards the guest room.
"Thank you so much." Sasha slurred giving me a sloppy hug.
"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes at her. "You can sleep in the guest room or the couch." I said behind my shoulder to Scott. I towed Sasha to my room and dropped her as gently as possible on my bed.
I went to my dresser and pulled out an extra pair of pajamas and walked back to her. Trying to change a drunken Sasha wasn't exactly easy. After taking her dress off and almost getting kissed by her because she thought she was getting in a guy's pants I had enough. I changed her as fast as possible and changed my mind. She was not, and I repeat not, sleeping in my room with me. She will take the guest bedroom.
I hauled her to the guest bedroom and slowly put her down on the bed. I slipped her under the covers.
"This isn't my room." She slurred, reaching up and grabbing my wrist. I sighed, dealing with a drunk Sasha wasn't exactly my cup of tea.
"I know you dork; you're at my house remember?" I asked rolling my eyes. Any other time I would be amused, but from the night I was having I was so over it.
"I want to be in my mate's bed." She complained as I tucked her in again.
I rolled my eyes. "Sorry but looks like my guestroom will have to do for tonight. Plus you'll see your mate later." I said, not knowing if this was the truth. Werewolves had mates, the only person they see, their soul mates. Every wolf had one, but Sasha, I wasn't so sure since she flirted all the time and well... got around. I turned to leave but she stopped me again.
"That's just it!" She cried out, she sounded strange, not like herself. I stopped and turned towards her again. "He doesn't even know I'm his mate! He doesn't know, and he's off sleeping with some blonde whore! He doesn't see me, he doesn't love me." And with that I saw my best friend, the girl tougher than nails, who never cries at anything not even a guy, cry.
"Oh sweetie." I said, crawling up on the bed beside here I pulled her into a hug and she clung to me as she cried. This was so strange, Sasha was the strongest girl I knew and yet she was crying over a boy. It made me want to break every bone in this jerks body. How can someone do this to a girl? Shouldn't he know that he's her mate to?
I'm not a werewolf but I heard Scott and Sasha talk about it. And from what I heard werewolves couldn't live without their mate.
I let her cry herself to sleep, and I stayed with her until her soft hiccups stopped completely. I sighed and tucked her in again when I slipped out of the bed. I turned and walked out of the room, turning the light off and shutting the door as gently as possible.
Feeling exhausted and wanting nothing more to crawl into my bed I went to my room. I didn't wait until the door was closed to start taking off my dress, as soon as I walked through the door I dropped it on the floor and closed the door.
"Whoa, what are you doing?" Scott's voice said from my bed.
Gasping I turned and saw him lying on my bed, my books and homework and Sasha's clothes laid on a neat pile on my dresser. Confused at what he was staring at I looked down and remembered I took the dress off. Screaming I went to cover myself. I was only in my bra and panties in front of my best guy friend. Kill me now.
"What the hell are you doing in here?" I screeched. Chuckling lightly Scott grabbed the wadded up sweats and tank top and chucked them at me. Blushing I realized he'd been staring at me this whole time. "Turn around!" I shouted. He chuckled again and turned his head.

Hiding My Heart
WerewolfDeidre -Dee- Johson has had a rough life. A mother who is a drunk, a father who ditched out on her and her brother and sister, and a boyfriend who suddenly lashed out on her and stole away her innocence then ditched. With the protection of her broth...