Chapter 24

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"Well?" I whisper as I get to the cafeteria on Monday. Sasha is sitting at our usual table, chewing her food with her nose scrunched up. 

She clears her throat and texts me. Why don't you try sniffing every scent this school has to offer and then tell me how it goes. 

I smile at her sadly and type back, Sorry, how about we talk about this after school. You work? 

No, we could go to your place. IF Brayden isn't there

I smile at that. "You can come over, he works today, so does my mom." I tell her as everyone sits down. 

"What are you two talking about?" Mike asks nosily. 

"Nothing," Sasha says too quickly making everyone raise an eyebrow at us suspiciously. I roll my eyes at them and mentally tell myself that I need to show Sasha the art of lying. 

"She's coming to my house after school for a study group." I lie easily. 

"A study group? Are you sure about that? The new semester has just begun." Scott says, obviously seeing through my lie so easily. I narrow my eyes at him, he just knew us too well. 

"Have you forgotten Ms. Day's threat about our monologue?" I ask glaring at him just slightly. 

He backs off after that, holding his hands up with a little mischievous look in his eyes. "Ok, ok I get it." He says. 

"Good." I say turning to my own lunch. 

Conversation went over smoothly after that. Preston kept an arm slung around my waist easily making me smile. When lunch was over we walked hand in hand to our next class, ignoring all the looks we were getting and the whispers that were going on about us. All throughout the day I could feel Katy's eyes on us. But every time I looked at her she would look away, holding herself around her waist. There was no sign of Jared, which was good. 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Preston whispers to me, snapping me out of my stare. 

"Nothing," I reply looking away from Katy.  

I knew that look; he had done something to her. And of course she wouldn't say anything because I know what fear feels like, the threats that are made when someone tells you to keep your mouth shut or else.... I knew how she felt; I can see it in her eyes and body language. She was hoping someone would figure it out so she didn't have to tell anyone, so she wouldn't be in trouble. But how can I help her when she obviously doesn't want my help? 

"You sure?" He says looking at me with narrowed eyes. He knew that I was lying. 

I swallow in relief when the bell rings signaling class to start up. 

"Ok everyone listen up." Mr. Grey, our health class teacher says walking in with a big folder in his hands. "Everyone knows that when the new semester starts there is a huge senior project assigned in health class, which you will all present before your spring break. It will be a third of your grade, so if I were you I would work on it now." He says sitting at his desk, organizing the papers. 

"I will draw names out of the hat and whoever I call will be partnered with the other name. No switches or complaining, I don't have time for that. Once your partners are assigned I will then draw out of another hat and give you your topic." He says getting the hats out that are already filled with folded up papers. 

"After today we will report straight to the library to start our research. As the due date draws closer I will assign when you will present. If you fail to show up and present I will fail you." The class groans at that making me smile just a little as he rolls his eyes. "I don't care if you're sick, or got in a terrible car accident the night before, or if you were kidnapped or whatever lame excuse you try to give. The school requires this project in order to graduate. You will also be assign community service-" More groans. 

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