Chapter 38

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The day was finally here. Valentine's Day. I have been worrying over this day since Preston told me that he had made plans for us. I would think about it all the time, what could he possibly have planned? We have only been going out for a few days now, or was it a week? I'm not so sure on that anymore, not with everything that has been going on. 

Since I have told the twins what has been going on with me they have tried their hardest to help me in my training session and in my studies on werewolves. It felt nice finally telling them what was going on with me. They were still curious about the box, but I haven't opened it yet and I wasn't sure when I was going to. It sits under the bed waiting for me, and it scares me. Do I really want to know what was going on with Joey? I'm not so sure. 

With a sigh I slip my backpack off and open my locker. Preston wasn't at the pack house when I got up this morning; Jamie told me Sasha was coming to pick me up. It sucked not knowing where he went, I hoped he didn't have a meeting today or that would screw with our plans, whatever they may be. 

"You actually look really cute today; it's something that I would have put you in just for this special occasion." Sasha says as I twist the lock until it pop opens. 

I'm about to reply when something catches my eye, a single white rose lay in one of the shelves of the locker, a note attached to it. Grinning I grab at it and open the note and see Preston's boyish hand writing. 

Won't be at school today, but have sent you little surprises. I will see you after school; the notes will give you clues on where we will be going. With all my heart Preston. 

I grin down at the note, hearing the 'aw' from Sasha who was reading over my shoulder. I roll my eyes and place the flower and note back into my locker and grabbed my books instead. 

"Do you know what he's planning?" I ask just as the first bell rings. 

She shakes her head and loops her arm through mine. "I have no idea, but it must be something better than what the other boys are doing for their girls." She says with a giggle. 

I look at her confused. "What are they doing?" I ask but regret it as soon as I see her wiggle her eyebrows suggestively making me laugh, no wonder it's only her and Scott here today. 

We walk into homeroom and take our normal seats in the back. I notice girls wearing pink and red and matching with each other, or couples whispering to each other. Last year I was one of those girls I feel a twist in my stomach at that thought. Last year I had something to be happy over; I thought I was in love then too. And I let the guy swoop me up, buying me chocolates and a teddy bear. I thought it was the sweetest romantic thing ever done for me, but I was a fool back then. Blinded by the boy I thought I loved. Suddenly I wasn't in the mood for today. 

Letting those thoughts take over I don't listen to my first three teachers of the day. I keep my eyes on the doors and wait for the delivery girls to come in and give away the things people sent. But each time I'm left with nothing, not one thing was delivered to me. Preston had said that I will be getting notes throughout the day but I haven't gotten any yet. 

I sigh and was about to give up, lunch was next period this will be the last delivery of the morning. I sit at the back of my English class pouting slightly; I don't even notice the girl who is there to deliver the goods. The teacher looks annoyed as the girl calls out names and then hands the things to the people. To my surprise she leaves a note with a white flower on my desk. I gently feel the soft petals between my fingers. 

"You can open those after class; I will not let the deliveries keep me from teaching you." Ms. Warner says in a deadly voice. 

She hates Valentine's Day almost as much as Ms. Day. She doesn't celebrate it and she doesn't even talk about it, she simply ignores it. Grumpy divorced women, I will never understand their hate for love just because it didn't work out for them. Shaking my head I place the rose on my books, as much as I want to read the note I knew I shouldn't because she will either take it from me and rip it to shreds or she will make me read it out loud to the class. Trust me she did that to one of her students last year and the note wasn't as innocent as everyone thought.... 

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