Chapter 19

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Winona Ryder (Carmen)------>

Dr. Manor had to leave a few days after we did our experiment, she left me the charm. Nobody knows about it, she told me not to tell anyone. It was for emergencies, in case I needed to run. I kept it in a box in my dresser. Since she left to go report her finding to the high council and neighboring packs, Preston has conducted a search for the rogues.  

It's now Wednesday and I haven't seen him or Scott or any of the boys since the weekend. I've only talked to Preston over the phone. I've been calling him and asking him if he's found anything yet and pestering him about taking a break. But he wouldn't listen; he wanted to find the pack of rogues before they could do anything to me again. 

I haven't been alone once this week. I found out a few nights ago that Preston was true to his word and had three guards outside my house. They are now running patrol twenty four seven at my house. Sasha has been the only one at school with me, finally we got some girl time. To my surprise Jared hasn't been back yet. Both Katy and Jared were missing on Monday morning, which worried me. Seeing Katy missing only brought images of my attack and I worried something bad happened to her too. But my fears were useless on her as she returned to school the next day, no bruising or anything. Jared wasn't back though. Katy returned but Jared had somehow vanished. 

Thursday is our last day before Christmas break. I'm pretty excited for the day to hurry up and come, but nervous also. Preston and mine's scene is the last scene to do in drama, since he has been gone all week we didn't get to present. I wanted to do a last minute run through with him since we haven't done the kissing scene, but he was too busy.  

Sasha and I are both working at the coffee shop today. In fact we have the same schedule for the next two weeks. Christmas time is one of the biggest holidays for Hearts Coffee Shop, since a lot of families come in during the holiday they order from her like crazy. There isn't one minute of the day we aren't busy. Janice doesn't like Sasha and I working together, not since the last time. All we did was talk and goof around; she learned her lesson and has put us on two different shifts. But with the holidays coming up and people ordering her goods like crazy she had no choice but to let us work together.  

It is now four pm and my eyes still haven't seen Preston. He just texted me fifteen minutes ago that he would stop by to run lines with me on my break. I told him when my break is, in five minutes, and haven't heard from him since. I felt a little bad that I pestered him enough that he has to run lines with me, but he needs a break from all this alpha stuff. 

Faking a smile at the last customer I turned to put the money in the cash register as I heard his voice come from behind me. 

"I would like two cupcakes, of your choosing, and two hot chocolates please." My smile turns real as I turn around and see him standing there; he already has the exact amount of money on the counter. Grabbing it I put it in the cash register and ring his order up. 

"Sorry I kept bugging you." I say as I grab two cupcakes and put them on a little plate. 

"Don't worry about it, you were right, I needed a break." He says grabbing the plate off the counter. 

"No, what you need is sleep." I couldn't help but say. He looks like he's about to fall asleep on his feet. His hair is messy, his clothes a tad bit wrinkled, he has bags under his eyes, and his eyes are slightly red. "Go get a booth before you pass out." I instruct. 

He doesn't argue, instead he nods and shuffles to our booth. Making the hot chocolates I yell back at Janice that I'm going on my fifteen. Sasha comes up a minute later to take the counter, she has been working with Janice in the back all day, and from the sour look she has it hasn't been pleasant. Janice is the baker, her and her grandsons, but during the holidays she has anyone and everyone help her on that, and she isn't at all pleasant back there. That is her domain, her kitchen; she doesn't want you touching anything, messing with anything or anywhere near the stoves. She was impossible to please. 

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