Chapter 7

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Jana Kramer (Natalie)------->

"Get out of bed," I heard Sasha's voice say from somewhere up above me. 

I groaned and snuggled deeper into my covers. "No, go away. I told you I am not going out tonight!" I whined. 

"I don't care what you want, get you're a_s out of bed." She said her voice low and deadly. 

I sighed. "Gosh Sasha, can't you just leave me alone! I've had a rough week and want nothing more than to forget about it." I snapped. 

Her only reply was by tugging the covers off me, leaving me to shiver at the sudden cold. My eyes snapped opened as I turned and glared at my best friend. She just smirked at me and put her hands on her hips. 

"What the hell Sasha." I complained giving her my best glare I could muster. 

She just shrugged my attitude off. "Get out of bed. It's Friday night and I will not allow you to wallow in your bed any longer." She said. 

I shook my head no at her. "That's not fair. I told you that I didn't want to go out tonight, I've had a sh_tty week and you know that." I said sitting up and attempting to grab for my blanket but she threw it out the door. 

"I understand that. Katy and her clones did a lot worse than they usually do." She said making me snort, they did more than that, "But you had us backing you up. I mean geeze Scott and Preston wouldn't allow you to be alone for more than a second." She pointed out. 

I just glared at her. This past week I have been harassed like never before and it was all because of that stupid slap I gave Katy on Monday. The Tuesday I arrived at school my locker had been vandalized. Wednesday her group of clones tripped, whispered, taunted and pushed me whenever I was Scott or Preston free. Thursday more vandalism on my locker, and to top it off they had poured water in the little vent on top of the locker, leaving all my books soaked, giving me a few hundred dollars to buy them and buy a new set for the school. And Today I got it from the Queen Bee herself in gym class. I got her elbow on my right cheek near my eye, causing it to swell up and I now have a nice purple bruise that will be around for at least another week. So with the elbow and a few choice words, some rumors I was spent.  

This week was like living a week in hell... well Katy hell. The only good think that came from this week was hanging around Preston. It was odd really, I didn't trust him or the rest of the boys... but I felt comfortable around him. Talking to him wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We never talked about personal things, but I could tell he wanted to know, especially with all the rumors going around school about me. But he held back, maybe sensing something with me with his weird werewolf sense, or he just wanted to gain my trust. I felt like that was what he was doing at the moment, and as much as it scared me I didn't mind. I felt the need to trust him and to allow him into my life. It was going to be slow going, but I wasn't going to shut him or the rest of them out. Especially since they proved their loyalty by sticking by me this week.  

It surprised me to see them on Tuesday standing together and giving me huge smiles. I noticed that Elizabeth was off with Katy, but I didn't care, I didn't want her around. They no longer reminisced on their childhood lives and making me feel left out. Instead we played a little get to know you game and went from there.  

I never allowed any of them to touch me and I could see the question in their eyes when they lifted a hand to pat me on the back or something and I would flinch away. But again, they didn't ask any questions.  

"Come on." She said grabbing my arm and dragging me off the bed. 

"Hey!" I protested not liking to be man handled by her. Even though she was a girl her strength was like a man's, werewolf strength.  

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