Chapter 46

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Groaning I sit up and stretch my aching arms in front of me. Striker agreed to leave one handcuff on me last night. I didn't trust my inner wolf, just remembering how I blacked out that first time... I didn't want to screw up our plans. Striker and I shared the bed last night, me in the blankets and him on top of the blankets.  

He was already out of bed getting dressed for the battle that was going to happen in about an hour or so. Looking at the clock I see that it is three in the morning. Seeing that I'm awake he nods his head as he pulls down a black shirt, one of his hands already spray painted red. 

"We leave in an hour; my father came up to tell us. He believes that we have mated." He states. 

I swallow. "So it worked, thank goodness." I whisper in relief. I get up from the bed, taking his shirt off of me and stretching even more. "Do you know the plan if I'm staying or going?" 

"I don't know, if you stayed here it would make the plan easier, it will have Preston more focused.... But Joey wants to see us in fifteen minutes. You can clean up in my bathroom; I don't have anything for you to wear." He says in regret as he looks at my dress that I have had on the past day or so. It was better than the red dress, but I rather not be in a dress in the first place. 

Grabbing the scissors that he used last night I start cutting at the bottom once more. If I do go to fight and I have to wear this then I rather it be shorter to help my movement, and it will be easier to access my weapons. I cut the dress, a little uneven, but right at my knees, just like the red dress. 

"Nice, you do know that that dress was designer right?" Striker teases me.  

I roll my eyes and move to the bathroom, pulling my hair up in a ponytail. "Hey do you have a pony tail holder?" I shout at him. 

"Second drawer to the right, there extra tooth brushes too." 

I open the drawer and am surprised to see a lot of girlie products. "Have a lot of female company huh?" I say pulling my hair up and grabbing an unopened toothbrush. 

"What do you think?" He says coming into the bathroom too and grabbing his own toothbrush.  

I roll my eyes and brush my teeth. After that I push him out of the bathroom and use the toilet, wash my face and fix the weapon strap one last time. Taking a deep breath I hear a knock on the door. 

"Time to go Dee," I hear Striker on the other side. 

When I push open the door he's standing with his hands in his pockets. "Right, so how are we going to do this?" I ask walking up to him. "Do I still hate you?" 

He sighs and kicks the toe of his shoe. "Well... I've never been mated before, how are you supposed to feel?" 

"In love, always have to have the other by your side..." I ach at this thought and look away. "But this is different. I was 'forced' to mate with you, wouldn't I still resent that? Maybe morn my 'loss'."  

He thinks this through. "I guess we can play it off as you still hurt, I mean it's believable and they don't really know either since they never forced each other to mate with another. There aren't many stories out there..." He mumbles. I nod. 

"So you do you dominating mean thing and I'll just keep my mouth shut? I mean it's only for a few minutes anyways." I point out. 

He hesitates. "Dominating mean thing?" He scoffs. "Alright, just remember that I don't mean any of this alright?"  

I nod as there is a harsh knock on the door. "Shows on." I mumble as he pulls me into his side, one of his arms wrapping around my waist just as the door opens.  

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