Chapter 37

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"So are you going to tell us what's going on with you or are we going to have to guess?" Sasha asks bursting into my room, Scott right behind her. 

I look up from the box that I have been staring at for the past three days in surprise. Scott closes the door and stands beside his sister, crossing his arms over his chest. Sasha stands there with her hands on her hips, her foot gently patting the ground in patience for me to tell them. 

I have been quiet these past three days, mostly kept to myself. The news of me being a werewolf has finally stuck. And now when I'm not training with the guns and my defense classes I am now studying the pack history and all about werewolves. 

I have learned that as a child and you grow you are taught what to do during the first shift. The first shift is when you turn fourteen. And unlike the children who are younger than me I only have a few years to prepare for the shift, two at the most. They get fourteen years. It's amazing to read about the shift and how the wolf is formed. I may not understand all the technical terms but I'm learning as much as I can. 

Scott and Sasha both have been patient with me these past few days. Not once did they ask questions on why I am staying at the pack house. Even when Sasha calls to tell me that my brother has called yet again wanting to talk to me. I can't find myself to talk to him though. I know that no matter what, even though we don't share the same father, our relationship will never change. He's still my brother, and Natalie is still my sister. But I can't talk to them, mostly Brayden right now because I would feel guilty. Every day that passes that I know is another day that they don't know. If I talk to him right now I'm sure that I will blurt it out. And he doesn't need that in his life right now. He does deserve to know, but right now? Right when he's about to finish school and take care of me? I couldn't. 

I sigh when I realize that I have been staring at the two for some time now and look at the box once more. 

"What's in the box?" Scott asks going to grab the top and pull it open.  

I jump up and snatch it away, heaving with all my might. "Don't open that." I panic, my heart beat picking up pace. 

Sasha raises her eyebrows and Scott holds his hands up in a 'I give up' gesture. I bite my lip and slide it under the bed, dropping the blanket to cover it up. 

"Sorry." I mumble sitting on my bed heavily. 

"What is up with you? You've been out of it these last few days." Sasha says coming up and sitting next to me on the bed. 

I shrug. I know that I needed to tell them, they will be there to help me with my transformation. And I want them to understand my snappy mood that Dr. Manor has promised me will happen soon. I don't want them thinking that I'm a total b_tch to them for no reason. 

Closing my eyes I rub my temples. "I'm a half werewolf." I finally let out.  

Saying the words out loud felt funny, they even sounded funny. Sure I've said it but saying those words to my friends felt weird. I don't know how to explain it other than being weird.  

I don't hear a thing from either of them, all is quiet in the room. After a while I open my eyes and look at them. They both have the same confused and disbelief expression on their face. They don't believe me. 

"My mom told me Saturday. I didn't believe her either, but her journal-" I break off with a sigh. "It's hard to explain." I mumble.  

"How about the beginning, because now I'm confused," Scott mumbles sitting at the desk chair. 

I nod slowly thinking how to word it and still keep it short. "Ok, long story short I read my mother's journal and I found out that my siblings and I all have different fathers-" 

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