Chapter 51

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"Can you believe this?" I sigh looking up from the mirror where I was putting my makeup on. 

Sasha was behind me changing into her deep green sleeveless dress, her hair already done in soft curls. She had on a green necklace that her mother had given her on her birthday and a bracelet that I had gotten for her last year. 

"I know its weird thinking that we are going to be graduating tonight." She says after a beat of silence.  

"Are you ok? You've been pretty distracted this past month." I say turning fully in my seat so I was facing her head on. 

She fiddles with her necklace before shaking out of her thoughts and sending me a smile. 

"I'm fine, it's just I can't believe how much time has flown by."  

I watch her for a moment, scrutinizing her to see if she's lying to me. I could feel through the pack link that she is hiding something from me but I wasn't going to force it out of her. When she's ready she will tell me. 

"Are you nervous?" I ask standing up and moving to the bed where my black dress lies.  

She shrugs. "Are you kidding me? I've been ready for this all my life." She says her fun side finally showing through. 

"Well I am. I have no idea what I'm going to do after this." I say with a sigh as I change. "My sister isn't talking to me, Brayden is struggling with deciding on if he should go try to find his father or not, my mom is still in the hospital and I have this feeling that Preston wants to ask me something but I don't know what. My life is on hold." I sigh once more and ask her to help me zip the dress. 

"The only real plan is running a pack, something I have no idea how to do. Brayden wants me to go to college but I can't, not with running a pack with Preston." I shake my head. "Life after high school is hard." 

Sasha chuckles softly and pulls out some black heels. "You'll figure it out Dee. I know you will, you have Preston to help you with the pack. You keep your hope up on your mother's recovery. You let Brayden work this out himself, if he wants to find his father let him, if not then all the better, but he has to do it himself. It's nobody's decision but his. Natalie will come around too, Luke will help her through it and you're the only other family she's got. As for Preston and his question, well he's not one to hold back for long it's only a matter of time before he blurts it out." She says. 

I smile and go up to her and hug her hard. "You are one of the bestest friends ever." I state grabbing the heels from her and pulling them on. 

"You're talking about me right?" Scott asks from the doorway making me laugh. 

"You too you big goof," I say going over to him and giving him a hug also. "You guys ready for this?" I ask. 

"Hell yeah!" Scott says making me laugh. 

"Let's go!" I shout grabbing both of their hands and pulling them down the stairs where their mother and father are waiting for them. 

"Oh would you look at you guys." She says with tears in her eyes making me laugh. 

"Oh please mom." Sasha rolls her eyes making me chuckle once more.  

"Where are your caps and gowns?" She asks her hands fluttering over Sasha. 

"In my car, I'll be back." I say rushing outside to the car where I kept our stuff, grabbing them I hurry back inside. 

"Here you go." I say handing Sasha her white gowns and cap and Scott his dark green gown and cap.  

I put my own white gown and have Sasha's mom fix the cap while the other two do the same. After we were all dressed and looking fresh their parents stand by and take as many pictures as they could of us. 

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