Chapter 25

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Niall's P.O.V.

Today has been an awkward day. It's been an awkward couple of days. Jade hasn't really talked to me. I guess she's avoiding because of what happened. And today, she hasn't said a word this morning. I feel like I'm losing her... slowly. It's lunchtime and I'M STARVING.

Jade came to sit with me at lunch. Well at least, she hasn't avoided me COMPLETELY. She sat across from me and started munching down on her sandwich. I smiled at her and she smiled back, weakly. She still hasn't said a word. This silence is killing me. I'm going to start the conversation.

"Hey Jade. H-how are you?" I said. Shit. I'm stuttering again.

"Fine. I guess." She said emotionless and shrugged, "you?"

"My day's been okay." I lied. My day was not okay. Jade wasn't really talking to me. I felt like a stranger to her. And it kills me inside.

The rest of the lunch hour, we ate in silence. No words were spoken. I ate and drifted off to my thoughts... about Jade. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. I was just so caught up in the moment, and I went out of control. She was just so beautiful and irresistable. Her sparkly blue eyes and her beautiful smile. The way her hair flew in the air and dandelions flying everywhere. It felt so perfect. But I did something really wrong and I wish I can take it back and made it never happened. But I can't. And now I feel like she hates me. I know she hates me and I know I'm losing her... slowly. If only I change what I had done.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Wait! What's going on? Oh yeah, lunch is over. Time to go back to class. I looked around and Jade was no longer there. She was gone... she didn't even say goodbye. I'm so sure that I lost her.

Jade's P.O.V.

Sitting with Niall fel so awkward. I didn't really want to sit with him, but then again... I can't abandon him. That'd be rude. And I told myself I was going to change. I was no longer going to be the mean, vicious, and hurtful girl that Mason made me. But now I feel like I'm doing it again... and I should stop.

Thank God, the bell had rung. I couldn't just sit there in awkward silence forever.

Just two more classes to go: Art and... oh shit... Calculus. I wonder if I should skip that class today.


Mason's P.O.V.

Thank God, I'm not expelled yet. I've just been suspended... for two weeks... and I'm back. I sat in my seat... waiting patiently for Art to begin... and to be over with. I can't stand my ex. She doesn't want me and now... maybe I don't want her. She can just stay with that stupid nerd.

I saw Jade walk in. She wasn't dressed her casual self. She was wearing a dress... and her eyes had long black eyelashes that match up with her beautiful hair. Her blue highlights in it gleam with her eyes. She was just so beautiful. Fuck what I just thought about not wanting her. I want her back... and I will get her.

Jade's P.O.V.

I walk into class and I notice Mason was staring at me. Yeah yeah. Drool over me. I don't care. You're nothing to me, Mason. I walk to my desk and put down my bookbag. I turn around and there stood Mason right in front of me... Oh shit. Not again!

"Jade... y-you look s-so beautiful t-today." He stuttered.

Oh great. Not him too! I had enough of this! Why does everyone and everything reminds me of Niall? Man, I miss him so much! Wait. No. I don't miss him. I can't miss. Jade. You have to focus! I looked at Mason and smiled, "Thanks."

"Jade... I really want to be with you again. I'm sorry for cheating on you... and if you give me another chance. I will prove it to you. I'll never hurt you again.. or your friends! Please... just give me... one chance. That's all I ask."

I thought about for a minute. Going back to Mason? Maybe this is a good time. It will stop Niall from being hurt by Mason. Niall can go back to his normal life... and not feel so awkward around me... and I can be happy and not dealing with all this shit around me! And Mason can protect me better than Niall can away from that stupid asshole who raped me!

I looked at Mason and smiled. He smiled back. His blue eyes and swishy brown Justin Bieber hair... Justin Bieber... Niall. No! I switched my thoughts back to Jason.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and inched closer to his face until we were only one inch apart. He flicked his eyes between my lips and my eyes. I could feel his warm breathe hazing the air between us. I moved closer, brushing my lips on him, giving him a little tease. He smirked and connected his lips with mine. I kissed him back, slow and hard. He deepened the kiss and bit my lower lip. I let out a moan and he smiled, pecking my lips. I kissed him back once more.

"Eh-hemmm!!!" Mrs. Sheriff said. We pulled out from the kiss and looked at her in embarassment. She continued, "Back to your seats. We're all waiting on you." We turned around and everyone was staring at us.

Logan, Mason's best friend, the kid with the sexiest dreads, smirked at us. But I didn't care. I was happy again because we were together again... Mason smiled and I smiled back. We sat down in our seats and class started.


Although Mason and I were together again. I kept thinking of Niall. What would he say to this? Will he be mad at me? I can't risk losing his friendship. I promised myself I was going to change. I was going to a nicer girl... even if I'm Mason's girl.

I tooked out my prints and started carving again. My mind once in awhile drifts off... thinking of Niall. Why am I thinking of Niall? I shouldn't be thinking of Niall! I'm with Mason. The most popular sophomore in Westmeath High is with the most popular senior in Westmeath High... again. And everything, for once in a long, long time... seemed to be perfect and in order again.

"Class! The bell is going to ring in six minutes! We should be starting to clean up now!" Mrs. Sheriff announced.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Mason. He smiled at me. I picked up my tools and put them away. My prints put on a rack to dry.

The bell rung six minutes later and Mason walked out of class, standing by the door and waiting for me.

"Hey." He said and grinned.

"Hey. I bet you missed me. The only reason why you kept coming back."

"Maybe..." He said and leaned in really close to my face. He brushed his lips against mine, leaving me a tease.

"You're such a tease, Mason." I said and pecked his lips.

"So are you." He smirked and kissed me back. "I love you, you know. I really do."

I smiled at him and he smiled back. We interwined our fingers together and walked down the hallway to Calculus. Life was beginning to feel perfect again...

Niall's P.O.V.

Jade walked in Calculus. Happy as ever. What happened to her awkward and quiet self? "Hey Niall." She beamed. Whoa. That's new.

I smiled. "Hi Jade." She smiled back. Then I continued, "So you don't feel awkward around me anymore?"

"Nope." She said, popping the 'p'.

"So what's up? Why are you so happy?"

"I got back together with Mason." She beamed.

Oh. That jerk. "But I thought you were over him..."

"I know... I kind of was, but I decided to give him another chance..."

Oh. That really hurt. She gave him another chance. But she never gave me one. She smiled and I smiled back. But on the inside, I wasn't smiling. I was crying.

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