Chapter 36

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Tristen's P.O.V.

I woke up in a strange place. It wasn't my room. In fact, it wasn't even my flat! Where was I? I stood up. Ow! My head hurt. My stomach churned and I immediately ran to the toilet and threw it up. Ugh. That's a horrible smell. I stumbled to the sink and washed my face. I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I was naked. There was scratches on my back and marks on my neck. Weird. I walked back to the bedroom and my clothes were on the floor. The bed was a mess and there were stains on it. What happened? All I remember was leaving Jade's house in fury, then going to bar. Everything else was blurry from there. I put on my clothes and I noticed something on the floor. It was a condom packet. My eyes widened. Did that really happened? I looked around. Some girl's panties were laying on the floor. Oh shit. I am screwed.


Jade's P.O.V.

I held Tristen's hand as we walked to lunch together. A tall, slim girl passed by us and winked at him. She then said, "I had fun last night, babe." My eyes widened. Did I hear that right?

She walked away and I looked at him, "What was that all about?"

"I-I d-don't know what she's t-talking about." He replied nervously. Tears of sweat was leaking from his forehead. He's hiding something.

"Tristen, you're hiding something. What's going on?" I said.

"I-I really don't know what she's t-talking about." He stuttered again. Why was he still stuttering if he was telling the truth? That wouldn't make sense...

The girl that was talking to him, came back. I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled evilly. What is she doing?

She put one arm on Tristen's shoulder and nudged her head against his head. She tried to whisper to him, but I could still hear her, "Babe, I had SO much fun last night. The way you grind your hip against mine and the way you whispered my name into my ear as we dance the night away. I really enjoyed it." Then she pecked his cheek and put something in his butt pocket of his jeans.

I grabbed her shoulder and slapped her really hard across her face. "Back away from my man." I growled.

Her mouth dropped open as she held onto her cheek, then she growled back, "Bitch." I glared at her and she started walking away.

"Jade!" Tristen shouted.

"She was trying to get into your pants!"

"Why did you slap her?"

"Because you didn't stop her!" I said and stomped away. Why was Tristen so different today?I got in the lunch line and bought my lunch. I came out of the line and there stood Tristen and that slut, kissing. "Tristen!" I shouted. He backed out, being caught offguard. "How could you?" I said and threw down my lunch tray and walked away, hurt.

Niall's P.O.V.

I turned around to see a crying Jade running out of the lunchroom. Food was splattered on the floor, and her boyfriend with some other girl stood there, shocked. I picked up my lunch and dumped it in the trash. I ran after her, "Jade!"

She didn't seem to hear me. She just kept running.

I called again, "Jade! Wait!" But she was gone. Out of sight. I have to find her. I looked around the corners, down the hallways, behind some doors. I can't find her. Suddenly, I heard a sob. It was soft and quiet, The sound... was close. It was somewhere. Really near. It sounded as if it was... under me. I trotted down the stairs, and the sound became much clearer. I walked towards the sound, behind the school stairs, and there sat Jade, bawling her eyes out. "Jade!" I called out.

She didn't answer. She just kept crying. I sat down beside her and put my arms around her, hugging her close.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"H-He cheated on me." She stuttered and wailed.

I pulled her to my chest and she cried into it. Poor Jade. Guys are hurting her over and over again. She went into three relationships. They all end in heartbreak. If she was mine, I would never hurt her. I started to rock her and sang, "Jade, you were always somewhere. And you didn't want to be found. So tell how could I ever be normal somehow? You tell me this is for the best, so tell me why am I in tears? So far away, and now I just need you here-"

"Stop." She whispered.

I ignored her and continued to sing, "So we fight through the hurt. And we cry and cry and cry and cry. And we live and we learn. And we try and try and try and try."

"Stop, Niall." She whispered again.

I continued to ignore her commands and sang, "So it's up to you. And it's up to me that we meet in the middle on our way back down to earth-"

"Stop." She said a little louder.

"Never felt so far away from where we used to be. Now we're standing and where do we go when there's no road to get to your heart? Let's start over again-"

She stopped me, "Get away from me, Niall."

"No." I simply stated. She stood up and started to walk away when I stopped her, "Why are you leaving?"

"Because I can't be near you."

"Why not?"


"Because?" I asked her. She glared at me. I asked, "Whatever happened to us? Why did you throw it all away? Why did you stop being my friend?"

She stood there silently. "I can't tell you..." She said and stared to walk away.

I stood up and caught her arm. "Please. Tell me." I whispered. My eyes were filled with tears and I tried to hold them back. I didn't want to lose her again. I just can't. I love her. I love her too much.

She turned around and connected her lips with mine. A spark exploded... metaphorically. And I stood there, shocked. She parted from me and whispered, "...because I love you." Then she walked away.

Wait... did she just kiss me?

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