Chapter 44

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Hello my beautiful readers.... yeah that's weird...

Anyways, if you didn't get chapter 43. it was probably on private... thanks to Wattpad. -__- Wattpad's been messing with my account lately so I don't even know...

So... here's chapter 44.


Niall's P.O.V.

"Yes! Go Derby! Wey hey!" I cheered.

Jade smiled at me and kissed my cheek. She stood up and said, "I'm hungry."

"Me too." I agreed, my attention still on the tele.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Yes. Nando's."

"Not again, Niall!"

Again? What did she mean? Does she hate Nando's? "What!?! You hate Nando's?"

"No. I love Nando's. We just ate there too much."

Phew. That was a relief. I just can't date a girl who doesn't love Nando's. I thought for a second on what to eat. "Alright. Fine. Pizza." I turned my attention, once more, back to Derby.

Jade's P.O.V.

I took my phone and dialled the pizza place. "Yes. I'm good. How are you? Haha. Yes Cory. I would like to order some pizza. Yes. The usual, but double it. Yes. Uh-huh. Okay. Thank you! Yes. Goodbye!"

I hung up and felt arms around my waist. I turned to see Niall standing right behind me, with his chin on my shoulder. He spoke, "When's pizza getting here?"

"Twenty minutes." I said and Niall frowned. "Be patient."

"Fine." He said and ran back to the tele. He sat down and drank a gulp of Pepsi. "Go Derby! Woohoo! Yes! C'mon c'mon c'mon! Woohoo! Yes! Wey hey! Derby won!!!! Jade, they WON!" Niall shouted. He ran to me and picked me up and spun me around.

"Excited much?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just wanted to celebrate with you." He said and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" He said.

"You're weird."

"Yet you love me." He said and pecked my lips.

"Yes. I love you, Niall. And I have a surprise for you!"

"A surprise? C'mon Jade. You didn't have to." He said.

"Ok then. I'll cancel-" I joked,

"NO! Don't! I was kidding. I want it! What is it?"

"You have to wait. Come with me after you eat your pizza."


"Can we go now?" Niall said as he stufffs the last slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Brush your teeth, Niall. And change your outfit."

"Fine." He said and walked to his room. Five minutes later, he walked out in a plaid shirt and blue jeans. And his hair was like Justin Bieber's, hot and swifty. "Now?" He asked.

"Ok, Niall." I said as I grabbed my car keys. I got in the car and Niall next to me in the passenger seat.

We drove for about an hour and the whole fucking time, Niall just won't shut up. "Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"

"No. Niall. Be patient."


"How about now?"

"For the seventeenth time now, no! Be patient. Please."

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