Chapter 45

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Niall's P.O.V.

"You know, Jade. I can't thank you enough." I said.

She smiles at me, then spoke, "Can you check the mail for me? I need to see if I got accepted in the University of Dublin. It'll be enough of a thank you from you."

I smile and walk out of her home to the mailbox. Suddenly many girls who I've never met before starting crowding around and talking to me.

"Hi Niall."

"What's up, Niall?"

"You sing amazing."

"Be my girlfriend."

"Marry me, Niall!"

"Have sex with me."


Of course, I hug most of them.

Then a girl approached me, "Hey Niall. I'm "

"Oh hello. How are you?"

"I'm good... now that you're here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I don't know... you tell me." She said and traced her finger from my lip to my neck. "You have really soft skin."

"Why thank you. I'm flattered." I said.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

I opened my mouth to speak but instead she crashed her lips into mine. I heard people gasps and immediately tried to push her off but she shoved me harder against my car and kissed me again. Damn. Who is this girl? Why is she so strong?

Jade's P.O.V.

What the hell is taking him so long? You know, I'll just get the mail- "WHAT THE FUCK, NIALL!?!" I shouted.

Niall pushed her off of him and spoke, "She was on me!" Yet that girl still clung to him.

Tears started to form around my eyes, "That's what all the guys say!" I said and started to walk away. I felt an arm tugged on me and I couldn't free myself. I was trapped and I knew who was trapping me. "Let me go." I spoke.

"No. Not until you let me explain."

"Explain what? That you cheated on me? No. I don't want to hear that same shit from everybody. Just let me go."

"No. Let me explain." Dammit. Why is he so fucking stubborn.

"NO!" I shouted and I tried to walk away. He released my arm and my body was suddenly imbalanced. I tripped over my feet and started to feel myself fall. "Ahhh!!!!" I screamed. The next thing I knew, I couldn't see anything anymore.


Niall's P.O.V.

This is all my fault. If I hadn't gather all my strength and tried to push her off. No wait! This was that cunt's fault. She was trying to kiss me... but she wouldn't have if I wasn't famous... This was all Jade's fault! But she was trying to help me find my inner talent... No. This is MY fault.

I feel so stupid for letting this happen. Good thing that cunt left and all the other girls left right afterward. I called the ambulance and they had picked up Jade. I got in my car and followed them to the hospital.


I waited in the waiting room for the doctor to come out and say something about her. It was about half an hour until he did.

"What's up, Doc? How is she?" Wow that just made me sound like Bugs Bunny, except I wasn't chewing on a carrot, and I'm not a rabbit. I never actually understand rabbits.

"Well I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"Good news." I said.

"The good news is that she's not dead, just in a mild coma."


"Well, when you put it like that..." The doctor shot at me.

"What's the bad news, other than that, anyway?"

"The baby is hurt, we need to take her out of the mother's adomen."

"But it's too early. It's only six months!"

"Unless you want it to die..."

"Yes, take it out now!" I said quickly.

"Thought so," He snapped. Jeez. Tough doc. He must have a low salary on his job or something. He walked back behind those double doors and I continued to wait...


For what seems to be an hour later, the doctor walked out, holding a baby. "It's a boy." He said, "So what are you naming him?" Naming him? Oh shit. We haven't thought about it yet. I'll just name him Justin after Justin Bieber, my boy. "Ermm... Justin. Yeah. Justin." I smiled and he looked at me as if he was bored. I held the baby and kissed him on the forehead. The doc went inside and I followed him to the room Jade was in.

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