Chapter 26

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Jade's P.O.V.

Last night, I dreamt of Niall again. These dreams don't stop. They come back every night. Memories replayed over and over. Memories of Niall and I being together, enjoying our lives. We laughed and cry and smiled every night in my head. It replayed again and again as I ly on my bed. Why was I dreaming of Niall? I was with Mason. This shouldn't  be happening.

I got up and looked at the clock: 6:15am. I stood up to walk to the bathroom. Ow. My head hurt. I felt dizzy! I balanced myself against the wall and stumbled to the bathroom. Ugh. My stomach hurts. I feel sick. I ran to the toilet and threw up. Ew. That's disgusting.

This feels exactly like a hangover. Except it wasn't one... at least I don't think so... I was probably just sick... I think. I got dressed up and drove to school.


"Where's Mason?" I muttered under my breath. I checked my phone. I read:

(1) New Message(s): 

I'm sick baby. Can't come today. Sorry. I luv you. -Mason xx

Huh. That's a coincidence... Did we drink last night? I don't remember any alcohol. I don't remember doing any of that. Maybe I got knocked out.

I looked up from my phone and Niall was walking towards me. He smiled and I smiled back, weakly. He stopped smiling and concern covered his face. "Jade, you look sick... are you okay?"

"Yes, Niall. I'm okay." I lied. I really don't feel so good at all. I felt like shit and my stomach was still cramping, but I couldn't Niall. That wasn't his problem, and I don't need him to make another big deal out of something.

"Don't lie to me, Jade. You don't look okay."

Dammit. He caught me.

"What happened? And don't tell me 'nothing happened'. I know something's up." He asked.

There's no point in lying now. "I threw up this morning and I was dizzy."

Niall raised an eyebrow, "Did you drink last night?"


"Are you sure? You promise?"


"Okay, I believe you." He said and let out a sigh of relief. Then his eyes widened, "Then you really ARE sick. C'mon. I'm going to take you to a doctor." He yanked on my arm and I ran after him. Damn. When did he get so strong?

I tried to protest, "Niall, I really don't think-"

"We. Are. Going." He said, clenching his teeth. We ran out of the school building and into his car


We arrived at the doctor's office and sat in the waiting room. Again, I tried to protest, "Niall I really don't-"

"Shh." He shushed me. He sat there staring at the ceiling with his arms crossed over his chest.

"But Niall-"




"WOULD YOU LET ME SPEAK?" I kind of shouted. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I continued, with a whispered, "Why is this necessary?"

Niall unfolded his armed and put his hands on my shoulder. He whispered, "Because you can't be sick. I don't like seeing you sick." He then let go of me and stood up. He started pacing, back and forth, back and forth, fidgeting. "Are you sure you didn't drink?"

I threw my arms in the air. Why was he asking his again? "I swear to God, Niall, I didn't drink."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Jade Taylor?" The nurse came in and asked.

"Yes, m'am." I answered.

"Come with me." She said. I followed her and Niall followed me... until she stopped him, "Sir, I'm going to need you to stay out here, okay?"

Niall's P.O.V.

"Okay." I said and walked back to the waiting room. I paced back and forth, wondering 'Is Jade going to be okay? Will she make it?' Don't judge me, I'm not good at handing situations like this.

Jade's P.O.V.

"Stand on this weight." The nurse ordered. I did what she told. "You're 1.43 hundredweight." Shit. I have gained .38 hundred weight in two weeks! I'm not healthy. She looked at me and continued, "Put on this strap. I'm taking your blood pressure then we can let your friend in."

Niall's P.O.V.

I paced back and forth around the waiting room, nervous and still waiting. Then the nurse opened the door and gestured me to come in. I followed her. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Niall." I answered, "Niall Horan."

She led to the room where Jade was. Jade just sat there, fidgeting with her fingers.

I looked at the nurse and asked, "So... what's wrong?"

"I don't know yet, but according to this data, she's a little overweight. Her blood pressure is fine though." I looked at Jade. She didn't say anything. The nurse continued, "We need to know what's been happening so we can figure out what is going on..."

"Well... m'am. She has been eating a lot lately. Her appetite changed. And she said this morning, she was dizzy and threw up lately."

"Have you had any sexual intercourse lately?" The nurse asked...

"Only about a couple months ago with Mason..."

The nurse turned towards Jade, "Darling, I need you to take this pregnancy test in the restroom, down the hallway, then come back and tell me."

Jade walked in the bathroom and the lights turned on.

Jade's P.O.V.

'Positive' It read. Oh no. This can't be happening. Maybe this one is broken or something. I can't be pregnant. I'm too close to graduation and college!

I pulled up my pants and threw away the test. I walked out the bathroom, back to Niall and the nurse.

"So?" The nurse say.

"Positive." I whispered.

"Well then congratulations! You're pregnant. Now who's the father?" The nurse asked.

"Erm... I don't know..."

"Is it Mason?" Niall asked.

"No... he couldn't be... we used condoms." I said. Then I thought about it. It can't be Mason. I know it can't be. It wouldn't make sense. The condom didn't even break... at least I don't think so... Who could it be? Then it hit me. Chris. He raped me... and I remembered... no condoms. No pills. No protection. Nothing.

"Jade... is something wrong?" Niall asked.

"Yea... I think.. I know who the father is..." The nurse and Niall both raised an eyebrow. I whispered, "Chris."

Niall's eyes widened. "It can't be, right?"

"It is, Niall. There's no one else. Mason used protection. When Chris... he didn't. I remembered it. It was horrible... but still. It was him."

"I'm so sorry, Jade. This shouldn't have happened."

"I know... but it's too late."

"So how are you going to tell Mason?" Niall asked.

"I don't know..."

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