Chapter 33

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Jade's P.O.V.

Thank God I got Chris arrested. I was getting so annoyed by him. He kept creeping on me and acted like I was his when he knew I wasn't. I wasn't his. Not now. Not ever. And everytime he tried to get to me, Niall would try to save me and he would get hurt again and again. Poor Niall... he's back in the hospital again and it's been only three months!

I sat in the waiting room of the emergency department of the hospital while Niall's getting his MRIs. A doctor came through the door into the waiting room. He walked over to me. "Hello, are you Niall's friend?"

"Yes, sir."

"I have some news about Niall."

"Good or bad?"

"Both. Which would you like to hear first?"


"The bad news is that Niall's arteries around his heart that was starting to heal three months ago are really destroyed. We might have to do a surgery." He said. I winced at the news. Ew. Niall's in bad condition... and it's all my fault. Had I never need to go to the restroom. This would have never happened.

"Anything else?"

"Oh yes... Erm... His leg. We just found out that he has a problem with his leg. His knees and ankles are very weak. If he continues to walk, which he won't for the next week because he'll be staying here, then it might break out. So that's another surgery, just in case anything happens."

Oh. This is bad. This is BAD. Niall's weak! He's dying... slowly... because of me. I feel so bad. I caused all of this. In hope, I asked, "What's the good news?"

"The surgery can be done tomorrow..." He said and I smiled.

"Can I at least see him?"

"Well, of course! But he changed rooms. So he's no longer in the emergency department, but right this way..." He said and lead me to the elevator. We went to the third floor and walked down the halls. 313, 314, 315, 316, and finally 317. The room that Niall was in. He laid there... looking almost... lifeless on that bed with casts and bandages and wires hooked up to him. It was so horrifying. Niall was in this mess because of me. I should just kill myself because of this. I really should.

"Niall... I'm so sorry," I whispered to him. But he probably didn't hear me. He just laid there with his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling calmly. I just started to cry, "Niall, I'm SO SORRY. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant any of the times that you get hurt to happen." Niall then murmured something. I couldn't hear it. "What did you say, Niall?" He murmured again. I still couldn't hear it. "Niall, please speak up. I can't hear you."

"It's okay, Jade. I forgive you. But I'm only hurt because I wanted to protect you, you know."

"But why did you protect me? You knew you were going to get hurt."

Niall's P.O.V.

"Because..." How was I going to tell her my reason? It will kill her if she knows. But it's time. I have to say it. I can't keep it a secret any longer.


"Because... I love you." I finally blurted out. Her face expression changed. She now looks like she just saw a ghost. I'm not sure if it's a bad sign or a good sign.

Jade's P.O.V.

Did he just say that he LOVES me? Am I hearing this wrong? This can't be right. He can't love me. He's just a friend who happens to be a very protective one. Oh my God. He loves me. This is NOT good. If he continues to love me, he'll just get hurt. I can't let him get hurt again. Not after what Mason did. Not after what Chris did. Not after what everyone said and did to him. He CAN'T get hurt. I have to destroy this love. NOW.

Niall's P.O.V.

I whispered to her, "I love you Jade. There I said it. I've kept it in for so long. Because if I told you, you would've freaked out, and you wouldn't be my friend anymore. And now... I'm not even sure if you still want to be my friend, but I want you to know, Jade, that I love you. I love your hair, your eyes, your smile, your personality. I love EVERY LITTLE THING about you. You make my world go round. You're the rainbow to my rain. You're the peanut to my butter. You make me happy and the fact that I want to protect you helps me think that there's something I can do to pay you for the bonding of our friendship."

Jade's P.O.V.

I stood there shocked for a minute, then I spoke, "Niall... I didn't know you feel this way about me..." I held his hand and put it onto my chest near my heart. Then I looked away and shook my head, "But we can't be together... if you get hurt again... it'll be my fault. You know it."

"No Jade. It won't be your fault. You don't need to take the blame."

"But Niall! It's true! Think of the last time you were in the hospital. Why were you there? It's because of me. Niall, if I leave now, it's better for the both of us. You can go back to your nomal life and no longer getting hurt by me. And I'll just be the Jade that everyone used to know. No one gets hurt. It's simple."

"But Jade..."

"Niall, I have to break off this friendship. It's better for the both of us..."

"Jade! Please don't leave me!" He croaked. It hurt to hear the sound of his voice. But I had to stop. I had to stop being his friend... for the better of me. For the better of him. For the better of both of us. He started to cry and it hurt me even more, but I have to do this.

"I'm sorry, Niall, but I have to go." I spoke softly. I took off the charm bracelet he gave me and turned away.

"No Jade. You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do, Niall."

"Keep the bracelet, please."

"No, Niall. it will only remind me of you. I'm sorry." I said and left, leaving Niall in his tears.

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