Chapter 27

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Jade's P.O.V.

Niall drove us back to school... in time for lunch. God, I'm so hungry! We walked to the cafeteria together and sat down and ate.

I kept buying more and more food to eat. Niall just ate and didn't say a word. It was a quiet day... until I spoke up, "Niall."

He looked up, concern covered his face, "Yes Jade?"

"What am I going to do?"

"Tell him, Jade. Tell Mason. He's your boyfriend. He knows what to do... If he's a good person, he will help you decide what to do with the baby."

"But I'm scared... what if he gets mad at me?"

"You shouldn't be. If it isn't your fault. then he shouldn't get mad at you." He said and reached his hand and held my hand. His thumb rubbed over my palm. He smiled. I smiled and looked at my hand. "Sorry." He said and pulled his hand away.

"No, Niall. it's fine. It was actually quite soothing. I like it." I said and he smiled again... we ate our lunches in silence for the rest of the hour.

 Katie's P.O.V.

Whoa. Did I just hear the word 'baby'? What is this baby she's talking about? And Mason doesn't know? Oh. This is good. I can tell him. They will break up again and Mason will be mine.

I took out my phone and called him. It rang two times before he picked up, "Hello?"

"Heyyy babe." I greeted.

"Is this Katie?" He asked.

"Yeah babe."

"Quit calling me babe. We're not together."

"Oh, but we can."

"Erm... no? I'm still with Jade, you know."

"You won't be after what I tell you."

"What are you telling me?"

"Are you ready for it? You're going to flip when you hear this."


"I saw Niall sitting with Jade today..."


"Shhh.... baby, let me finish." I said. Mason silenced and I continued, "They were talking about a baby. Some kind of baby. They said that Jade will tell you and you will decide to do with it."

"What baby? Is she pregnant?"

"From what I hear, it sounds like it."

Mason's P.O.V.

I thought for a second. Jade's pregnant? I bet the baby's not even mine. I bet it's that nerd's. That little slut. I'll get her for this. After we were together again, this happens to me. That little slut... I snapped out of my thoughts and spoke up, "Ermm, Katie baby?"


"I gotta go... I'll call sometime later or whatever..."

"K babe. Bye."

"Stop calling me babe. And bye." I said and hung up. I still can't believe. Jade's pregnant.

Katie's P.O.V.

I hung up and smiled to myself, deviously. Mason will be mine. The bell rung and I walked to my Art class.


Jade's P.O.V.

It's the last class of the day. Calculus. Thank God, Mason was heren't today in Art, I wasn't even sure to handle this situation. I probably would've just broke down and cry. I know I would. I'm scared of things like this. And this is the first time it has ever happened to me. What if Mason gets mad at me? What if he doesn't want me anymore?

"It's okay, Jade. I'll be right behind every step of the way in case Mason isn't helping." I heard a voice said. I turned my head and saw Niall smiling at me. I smiled back.

"How did you know I was thinking that?"

"Your face expression. I know you're still worried. But it's okay. I will help if no one helps. I will help you take care of this baby or do whatever that you want with it."

Niall's P.O.V.

"I can help her." I heard a voice spoke. I turned around and it was Chris. The one who hurt her. The one who got her into this.

I glared at him, then I growled, "You can't help her. You're no use. In fact, you're the one who caused this."

"Caused what?"

"Don't play stupid. You know what you did. You kidnapped her and fucked her senseless."

"Yes. I did. And she was GOOD." He said and grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

I gave him another glare. I was worried about Jade's life. Her health and her relationship at stake and all this kid thinks about is how good she is in bed. Like really? He's so inconsiderate and heartless. I just want to smack that stupid grin off his face.

"Well, she was!" Chris spoke again.

"I don't care how good she is in bed with you. Don't you see what's going on here?"

"Ermm... No?" He said and scratched his head.

"You're really stupid. You fucked her and now she's pregnant with your baby."

"Oh." He said silently. His embarassed frown turned into another stupid grin, "Well then, atta girl! I'm the father! Woohoo! She's mine now!"

"No, I'm not. I'm still with Mason!" Jade spoke up. "And don't think I will ever be with you, you pervert." She snapped at him. He rolled his eyes, but I could tell he was still beaming inside... and I'm not liking it.

The bell rung again and class started. Jade fidgeted the whole time and Chris was smiling to himself. Doesn't he have a heart? No. Don't answer that because it's rhetorical. He doesn't have one. He doesn't have a heart. Just a dick... and a stupid one, too.

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