Chapter 24

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Niall's P.O.V.

It's Mid-February and I was starting school again on Monday. School suspension was finally over. The weather is getting so much warmer. I had just finished all the assignment Jade brought for me from my teachers and now was sitting on my porch, strumming my guitar when Jade pulled into my driveway. She got out and smiled. "Hey Niall."

"Hey Jade." I said, still strumming my guitar.

"You wanna hang out with me today?"

"Sure. Where?"

"At my house!" She said and smirked. Then she walked up the steps of the porch and grabbed onto my wrist, "Come on! And we're bringing your guitar!"

I smiled and ran after her and got on the passengar side of the car. We buckled up and we were on our way.

She turned on the radio and the song, Baby by Justin Bieber was on. I sang along with it. And she glanced at me in shock, then focusing her eyes on the road again, "Niall! I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't." I said.

"Yes. you can. You're amazing. Have you heard you're voice? It's so Phenomeniall!"


"Yeah. It's phenomenal and your name mixed together. So now it's a pun."

"You're so weird." I said.

"And you're weirder!" She said and playing shoved me, while driving. "Come on, sing with me!"

"No! I sing terrible!"

"Oh come on! I won't even noticed if it's bad. You're singing with me so our voices will blend together." She said and I raised an eyebrow at her. She glanced at me and nodded.


"And I was like, 'Baby, baby, baby, ohhhh! Like baby, baby, baby, noooo! Like baby, baby, baby, ohhh! I thought you'd always be mine, mine..." We sang together.

"When I was 13, I had my first love. There was nobody that compared to my baby and nobody came between us or could ever come above. She had me going crazy, oh, I was star-struck. She woke me up daily, don’t need no Starbucks. She made my heart pound, it skipped a beat when I see her in the street and at school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekend. She knows she got me dazing cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying..."  I was having so much fun that I hadn't even realized until she mentioned it...

"Did you really just rap that part? You were amazing! I told you!" She said and giggled. My cheeks flushed bright red but all she did was smile at me like there's nothing. "You can sing, Niall. That is amazing."

"Erm... thanks. I guess." I said as we pulled into her driveway.

"You know, someday, I'm going to get you to pu to that voice into usage." She said, and I smirked in doubt. "Come on."  She said as she opened her front door. I walked in after her, carrying my guitar. "Let's have a picnic in my backyard. What do you think?"

"Sure. Anything that involves food is fine by me!" I said and she giggled. For some reason, she was so happy today. I like it.

We packed a basket of ten sandwiches and some grapes. She carried it in her hand and I carried my guitar. We were on our way to our secret hangout. The hangout just for the two of us.

I helped her spread the picnic blanket and put out our foods. We chattered and ate at the same time, sharing giggles and exchanging smiles. I played my guitar a bit and she sang some verses. Today was just a beautiful day, "Jade. Can you catch this with your mouth?" I asked and tossed her a grape. She caught it. I clapped.

"How about you?" She said and threw me a grape. I caught it. She clapped. "How about another one?" She said and tossed it. I caught that one too and swallowed it.

"Yum." I said and smiled.

She smirked, "Ok, how about this one?" She said and threw it at my face. My mouth dropped in shock.

"Did you do that on purpose?"

"I don''t know... maybe?" She said and stood up.

"Oh, that's it!" I stood up and ran after her.

"Haha! Keep running, loser! You'll never catch me!" She teased. That just encouraged me to run faster. I chased her around the woods and through the field of flowers. I caught her in my arms and we both fell over on the grass, surrounded by the dandelions, again. "Since when did you workout?"

"Since I met you. I thought I was going to build up my strength in case you'd beat me to death." I teased. She giggled. I gazed into her eyes and leaned in closer. She closed her eyes and I closed mine. I connected my lips with hers and sparks exploded. Dandelions flew. Birds chirped. Whatever. But I knew it felt magical.

Jade's P.O.V.

His soft lips brushed against mine. And the sweet smell of grapes in his breath. His sweet smelling cologne filled me up and I felt high. Whoa. What am I thinking? But whoa, I felt sparks. I swear I did. Wait... what's that supposed to mean?

Niall's P.O.V.

She withdrew from the kiss and looked at me in confusion, then she ran off into the woods.

"Wait. Jade!" I said and got up. I ran after her. I found her sitting by a tree, gazing at a distance. "Whoa. Why did you run off?" I sat down next to her and asked.

"I don't know. I guess... I just felt... awkward."


"Yes. Very awkward. I don't know. But I think we shouldn't have kiss."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I was just so caught up in the moment..." I trailed out.

"It's okay. I forgive you, Niall." She said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Come on. Let's just not sit here. Let's pack up our picnic, and hang out at your house." I said and stood up. I held out a hand and helped her up.

Jade's P.O.V.

I kept replaying that scene where Niall and I just kissed. Although it was awkward, I liked it. I had a spark to it. I felt it, but I can't tell him. Not just yet. That'd be weird.

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