Chapter 2

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Hecate found herself walking around the campus well into the night. She didn't really have anything she needed doing, and practice had ended a little on the later side, so she found it fairly easy to just walk for an hour only to realize night had fallen.

She ended up making her way towards the river that bordered the West side of the campus. As most of the campus was surrounded by dense forest, the river was flanked on the opposite side by the very same woods. She often liked this spot on the river's edge because there was a break in the reeds as if this was a popular swimming hole. Fortunately no one seemed to be around so she found herself setting down her bag and laying in the grass on the riverbank.

As she sat but before she could lay, she heard a small splash, like something had moved quickly on the water's surface. When she looked, even through the darkness she could see a ripple behind a rather large rock off to her right. There were low hanging trees on both sides of the river basking the rock and what was behind it in an even greater darkness, but her eyes were still able to cut through it.

"Is someone there?" Hecate called out as she went to stand up.

There was silence for a few moments before a soft woman's voice answered back. "I didn't think anyone would be out this late. I thought I was alone."

"Are you alright? Do you need help?" Hecate went to stand up but the voice continued.

"No. I'm okay. Please don't come over here, I'm not wearing anything." The voice answered.

"Oh." Hecate paused a moment. "You're streaking on school property?"

There was a soft laugh, one that clearly broke the nervous tension as Hecate sat back down to relax a bit. "No. I'm swimming in the river in the middle of the night because no one is usually out here at this time."

"There are other nocturnal people living on campus you know. The next one might not be as nice as I am." Hecate offered. "Speaking of which, do you want me to leave or?"

"As long as you don't come over here, I don't so much mind the company. It's nice to have someone to talk to."

"Sure. I usually just like to pick a spot to lay in the grass and stare at the sky. My name is Hecate by the way."

"Calypso. It's nice to meet you Hecate."

"Bathing at night, naked, and named Calypso? Are you a Siren or something?" Hecate chuckled, clearly joking.

Thankfully the voice once again laughed with her. "Close. I'm a Mermaid."

Hecate quickly recalled Nyx explaining to her that some of the races have a thing about people actually seeing their true forms. She knew Mermaids and Sirens both did not like other races seeing their true forms as it was considered extremely personal.

"I'm so sorry. My eyes are closed." Hecate noted, laying on her back and staring up at the sky.

"It's fine, really. I'm on the other side of the rock, and as long as you stay over there you can't see me." Calypso answered. "Don't worry about it." She heard a bit of splashing like something was moving in the water.

"Still. I'd imagine you were out to stretch your... fins?... and now you can't swim around because there's a person here." Hecate sighed, throwing an arm over her eyes for good measure. "Seriously I can leave if you're not comfortable."

"I can see that you're respecting my privacy and not looking, so thank you." Calypso answered. "You don't have to leave if you'd like to just talk to me."

"Do you not get to talk to people very often?" Hecate asked.

"Mermaids are kind of a... well... they're basically celebrities because people imagine us as the Little Mermaid or something. They think we're beautiful creatures straight out of a Disney movie. I can assure you there are far more teeth and fins than the Little Mermaid."

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