Chapter 25

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Hecate watched as Calypso leaned back in the chair with a bright smile, rubbing her stomach in content. "I'm genuinely surprised at how tasty it was."

"You ordered fish and chips." Hecate noted.


"You're a mermaid who ordered fish."

"And you're still racist but you don't hear me bringing it up all the time." Calypso glared at her.

Hecate rolled her eyes and sipped on her smoothie. "It was tasty though."

"Right? Fish and chips is always delicious though. I don't think I've ever had bad fish and chips. Except when it's old and soggy. Then it's pretty gross."

Hecate chuckled. "Soggy fish and chips does sound horrible."

"So we sunbathed and played in the pool for a few hours. And finally just had a wonderful meal. Anything else you wanna do out here today before we head home?"

"I saw a raft thing..."

"The lazy river?"

"Whatever they call it. That looked nice."

"Peaceful, yes." Calypso smiled. "You want to do that before we leave?"

"If possible, yes."

"Sure. Finish your smoothie and lets go." Calypso grinned.

In a few minutes they were floating together on a large tube, slowly making their way down a river. They occasionally bumped into other people and the walls, but they were slowly and carefully making progress down the river.

Hecate was leaned back with her eyes closed as she layed on her back facing the sky. Calypso eventually laid down beside her though she was watching Hecate's face curiously. "What are you thinking about?"

"The first time we met." Hecate answered. "About how I just stared at the sky to make you feel comfortable, and how peaceful it was to lay next to you."

"I'm glad you can find peace. You deserve it." Calypso smiled. "It's been a long day. Are you that tired you're about to fall asleep?"

"I won't fall asleep no. But it is very relaxing. We should get a big tube like this and just float on the river next to the school. I'm sure that would be really romantic."

"Are you trying to seduce me right now?"

"Can you seduce someone when you're already dating them?"

"How do I know you didn't already seduce me?" Calypso asked. "Maybe all of this was part of your plan?"

"So which part did you enjoy more? Nearly drowning in the wave pool? Or the dry heaving into a trash can full of half eaten glizzies?"

"By the Gods you have such a way with words. It's mind blowingly attractive."

"Glad I could be of service."

Calypso chuckled before giving Hecate's hand a gentle squeeze, realizing that they had held hands for nearly the entire time they were out today. Just the thought alone made the mermaid's smile grow wider in her joy. She had never had a date that she just couldn't let go of, but she found one today.

"I had a lot of fun today Katy. Thank you for taking me out on this date."

"I took you out? I thought you asked me out today." Hecate answered. "Don't get me wrong, today was fun. A lot more fun than I thought it would be considering I was attacked by a trash can."

"I think you attacked the trash can, if anything."

"True. I did violate that fucker."

"Yeah... Yeah you did."

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