Chapter 18

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Hecate slammed her fist into Desdemona's dorm room door several times as loud as she could. While she had never been to the dorm herself, the dorm of the student council president and vice president was public knowledge, in case anyone needed their help.

When the door opened she was ready to start shouting, however it was President Kendra who answered the door with a yawn. "Can I help you?" She asked, her hair a little disheveled like she had just woken from a nap.

"Where's Desdemona?" Hecate asked.

"In her room. Why?" Kendra questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I need to speak to her, now." Hecate answered.

"Oh my god. Hecate stop being a dick." Calypso growled.

"This isn't a discuss-"

"She knows Desdemona from her past. We think Desdemona has something to do with her memory loss and possibly her family."

Kendra went to speak but someone else called over her shoulder. "Kendra? Who is it!"

"Trivia!" Hecate yelled. "You owe me answers!"

Kendra turned her head to look over her shoulder where her eyes widened as she nearly stumbled back. A moment later the red hair and brimstone eyes of Desdemona was in the doorway where she reached forward and grabbed Hecate by the front of her shirt and yanked her into the room. Calypso yelped before following after her.

"Wait! Don't hurt her!" Calypso called.

"Close the door now!" Desdemona ordered.

Kendra closed the door behind them. "What's going on Des? Trivia? Who-"

"Don't say that name!" Desdemona snarled, before practically tossing Hecate on the couch. However the vampire jumped back onto her feet to stand face to face with Desdemona, the two of them staring each other down with angry glares.

"How do you know it?" Desdemona growled under her breathe.

"You know exactly why."

"Your memories were erased." Desdemona retorted.

"Did you do it!? Is it your fault!?"

"No. You didn't know who I was when you came back. I assumed they had been completely taken from you." Desdemona answered.

"You're Trivia aren't you? You're my sister?" Hecate asked.

"Trivia is gone."


"She can't lie!" Kendra shouted, placing a hand on Hecate's shoulder.

"Kendra-" Desdemona snapped.

"She has the same curse that you do." Calypso noted.

"It's Samael's curse." Hecate answered. "Our father's. You have to be Trivia!"

"Samael? You mean the Devil? Des' isn't-"

"Trivia is gone." Desdemona repeated. "She had to go."

"You're her! You have to be-"

"If she says she's not Trivia then-"

"I was Trivia." Desdemona interrupted Kendra, who stared at her in shock. "But Trivia had to go. Lilith's children were being hunted. If I wanted to live and take over the Circle of Lust Trivia had to go so that Desdemona could take over."

"You can't just change your name and wash away what happened!"

"If you're assuming I had something to do with your memory loss you're wrong." Desdemona retorted. "Lilith erased your memories because she knew you could never return to Heaven. If the other Arch Angels knew about you -about us- they would kill Samael and any chance of peace would die with him. Lilith had to go."

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