Chapter 50

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Hecate stepped out of her bedroom, glancing down the halls before letting out a loud yawn. She had fallen asleep after dinner, talking to Calypso about all the things they could do over the summer. However when she woke up, Calypso was nowhere to be found. Fortunately for her, Calypso's scent was easy enough to track.

She followed it down the hallway, stifling the occasional yawn as she did so. Heading down to the first floor, she assumed that Calypso had gone to investigate the pool, however her scent ended up moving past it. Tilting her head curiously at the idea of Calypso doing something other than swim, she followed it towards another room.

As she approached the room, she knew exactly why Calypso had forsaken the pool in favor of this room. The sound of a violin and a piano playing carried easily down the hallway, and she was sure Calypso had a much better sense for sound than even she did.

Stepping into the small theater towards the far back of the manor, Hecate spotted Calypso sitting on the row of seats in front of the stage. The room was designed with the stage being lower than the floor and there being four rows of seats with each row descending another step down towards the stage. There were an extra three steps after the last row of seats, putting the stage about five feet lower than the entrance door. The stage itself was large enough for a full band to play and then some, with a full sized piano on one side of the stage. There was no curtain, as there didn't need to be considering it wasn't going to be used for a public performance or anything of the sort, but the walls of the room were all made to carry every note of every instrument easily throughout the room.

Hecate smiled at her sister Nemesis as she stood in front of the piano and played her violin. Her eyes were shut in complete concentration, and behind her Nyx easily kept up with the tune. The two of them playing a gentle, yet melancholy melody.

Hecate made her way to Calypso where she sat down beside the mermaid who had her head tilted back and eye closed as she listened to the music. Hecate almost thought she had fallen asleep, but she noticed that Calypso's fingers were tapping the armrests of the chair she was sitting on.

The hybrid thought about asking her questions, but decided to wait for the song to end so as to not disturb anyone involved. When the song eventually did come to an end, Hecate smiled and placed her hand on Calypso's knee, getting her to smile and look over at her.

"Welcome back." Hecate teased.

"Can you truely blame me?" Calypso asked. "I knew Nemi was musically talented, but I didn't realize it ran in the family."

Nyx laughed as Nemesis giggled softly, neither moving away or lowering their instruments as if they were preparing for a different song. "You flatter us." Nyx bowed her head politely. "But I've had years to practice several instruments. It's not as though this is all talent as much as hard work."

"Even still!" Calypso answered. "I'm always shocked to find other races who care as deeply for music as my own kind does."

"Thank you for saying so." Nyx smiled. "Do you play an instrument?"

Calypso shook her head, her cheeks flushing a bit in her embarrassment. "No. After my voice was taken from me I avoided trying to learn to play an instrument or any other kinds of music."

"Would you like to sing?" Nyx asked, whereas Nemesis nodded in agreement.

Calypso's eyes widened and she shook her head again. "N-No, I couldn't. I mean, I could but it- I never practiced controlling my Song, so I'm not confident I could sing just to sing and not accidentally charm everyone present."

"Then you're in luck. This room is especially designed to cancel out magical charm effects caused by music and musical enchantments." Nyx laughed. "Nemesis and myself are both cursed with a similar charm caused by our vampirism."

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