Chapter 40

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"Sorry that took so long." Hecate admitted as she made her way back over to Alison and Lyall. She was still clutching at Calypso's arm, holding onto her like an anchor while looking towards the ground like she was terrified to make eye contact.

"It's okay." Alison smiled warmly. "I'm sorry if I make you nervous. If it makes you feel any better, regardless of what happens or happened, I'm just happy to have another member of my family."

Hecate blinked and finally raised her gaze to the werewolf in shock as the woman simply held her kind hearted smile.

"Uhg... You're too nice." Lyall muttered. "Go do what you gotta do, I'll see you later." 

Alison smiled and gently head butted Lyall. The action wasn't an aggressive or particularly violent act. Instead it seemed more like a physical action between two dogs showing affection, which was more likely the truth. Alison then stepped away from Lyall who was now sharing the kind hearted smile before turning back to Hecate and Calypso.

"Lead the way."

Hecate nodded, still clutching at Calypso before turning and making her way off the field. Alison spend up just enough so she was walking beside them, however she seemed to take into account Hecate's nervousness and stood on Calypso's other side to give the vampire the space she assumed she needed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Calypso whispered.

"I'm... I think I'm okay now." Hecate confessed. "I know you said it was a panic attack but-"

"I gave you a panic attack?!" Alison asked, stopping to look at them in shock.

"Wh-What? I - " Hecate wanted to assure her otherwise but could feel as her words caught in her throat. Calypso watched as the same white sigil that had wrapped around Desdemona's neck when she attempted to lie appeared. The sigil appeared to be a manifestation of her curse and it appeared just over the soul mark that was also wrapped around her neck, partially overlapping it. 

Hecate's free hand moved up to her own neck like she was feeling it for the first time as a look of shock registered on her face like she had just discovered this curse for the first time. Calypso assumed it was manifesting slightly different than it usually did, though the effect was still the same. She couldn't lie, so she couldn't tell Alison that her panic attack was not the wolf's fault.

"Look, Hecate's been having a crisis of self and that's mostly what you're going to be talking about in private. I can't speak for her because I can't read her mind, but I don't think Hecate is scared of you so much as her future, which you are going to eventually have a big part in. Especially depending on the outcome of this conversation." 

"Ah... I see. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable, it's not my intention. While I don't know the exact circumstances, Aviri gave me what information she had. If there's any advice I can give or anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to ask okay?" Alison offered.

"Thank you. We appreciate the help." Calypso returned the wolf's gentle smile as they continued onward.

As they arrived at Nyx's office Hecate pushed opened the door where she paused seeing a large number of people within the office. Nyx was present of course, along with Devin and Aviri. However Reza, Desdemona and Darcel were also present, and as the door opened all conversation stopped as everyone looked over towards the door as the three of them came into the room.

Alison closed the door behind them before smiling brightly. "Nyx, Devin. I missed you guys."

"We missed you too Ally." Devin smiled. "I'm sure we'll catch up a bit more after of course, if you don't mind waiting."

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