Prologue:- The Beginning

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A/N:- Guys, this part is important for the story. So, please read it till the end. In order to understand the story completely, you should read this part till the end. THANK YOU!

Happy endings aren't always what we think they'll be. This is the story of the creators of a magical world but what happens when destiny itself is against them. But what can we say, love is the most powerful magic in this whole world.
But Luck is the bastard child of hate and destiny.

Everything was peaceful and normal until they were born, a girl and a boy, who were unique. So much different from the others, they were born with unique powers, powers which were supposed to change everything for the better good, powers which chose them for a reason.

 But everyone in their life abandoned them, even their own parents, because they thought that the two were evil, that the two were meant to be the destroyers of the world. But little did they know, those two were meant to create a beautiful world. At some point, they thought their life doesn't matter.

They thought if they live anymore, only chaos will take place. They never thought, that they'd be much good for anyone but that was far away from the truth. They became sad, helpless and the whole world said that they were just evils who were born to destroy everything. 

They were hopeless at that point. They thought that they didn't do anything bad but still people treat them like they are evils, they were helpless, hopeless, sad, they felt alone until one day........they met each other.

Their hopeless lives gained hope. They were meant to be together, they were inseparable, destiny chose them and brought them together. They didn't care what the people say anymore, they became happy, happier than they ever were. 

They knew that their powers were given to them for the greater good, they supported each other. They became really close and fell in love with each other. They completed each other, one was the other half of the second. No matter how many times, someone tries to push them away, they came together.

They used to wonder who they were until they found each other, they found the answer in each other's eyes. They decided to live together and create their own beautiful little world with their powers. 

They made a world with supernaturals in them, a beautiful world with mermaids, fairies, witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves, dragons and many more in them. They created a fantasy world that could only be a dream for a normal human.

They began to rule over the world. They were the creators of this magical world. The archangels appreciated their work and they found out about angels. The archangels followed their path and became their most trustworthy.

 Before them, the archangels used to rule but they found it more suitable for the girl and the boy to rule over it. They thought that God had brought them together to rule the world. The boy and the girl built an academy for the supernaturals to learn about their powers. They began to rule over the angels too.

The archangels idolized them, the two beings who were once called evils, were now the creators of this beautiful world. They decided to live their entire lives happily in that world rather going back to their own human world.

 They built a castle and started living there. Of course God built the human world, God was the one who created them, the angels and all. But no one can see God, not even archangels, but still the God exists because he is the one who created everyone in the first place.

He is the one who writes everyone's destiny and he gave them the opportunity to build their own world because they were destined to do this. They thought that now their lives did not contain any sadness, they thought they can now live together, happily. But little did they know that destiny was not on their side this time, somehow destiny played with them.

Destiny had chosen something else for them, the happiness was not supposed to be with them in this life of theirs. Their time was over, they got killed and they got separated. The supernaturals, looked over to them but now they were dead. They all panicked because they were the source of their powers and now both of them got killed.

 The world turned into chaos. Their little dream had now become a nightmare. But as I said, they were inseparable, they were born for a reason. They will come back to save what they created and owned, they will come back to end the darkness that took over their world and bring the light back. And this time the destiny would be on their side. OR WILL IT!?

Darkness can't snuff out the light completely, it's not strong enough. The way i see it, If you want to see a rainbow you gotta put up with the rain. And once you do that, everyone will be on your side and the darkness will fade away.




A/N:- Okay, guys! The story will start from the next chapter. This story is not as boring as this prologue. But, the prologue is important  for the story so i had to upload it. Anyways, enjoy the story from the next chapter and i can promise you that you won't regret reading it. Thank you guys, enjoy!!!!

 Thank you guys, enjoy!!!!

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