50: I wanted to say goodbye.

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*t/w for blood and sh, quite sensitive, be careful*


I smack my head against my wall. This week couldn't be any worse. I spoke to Dream once last week, then George gets put in hospital, Dream isolates himself again, my mother forces me to go to a counselor, I got a detention every day, and I got fucking banned from talking to my friends. Granted, I didn't listen to that, but it's shit she gatekeeps my friends.

"Sapnap, we're going out," My mom calls. I don't respond. I hear her sigh, and then the door open and close. Alone again.



My phone rings, and I glance at the caller. Sapnap.

"Hey babe," I say, picking up.

"Hey. Can you and Karl come round?" He says weakly. "I wanna say goodbye,"

My eyes widen in alarm. "That doesn't sound good. What happened?" I say, freaking out.

"I messed up again,"

"Hey, ok, I'm coming round, I'll call Karl," I say, jumping up and starting to head downstairs.

"See you soon, ok?"

"Hopefully," He says, hanging up.

I freeze. What? I fumble around, trying to call Karl. He picks up on the 3rd ring.

"Hey, urgent. Sap just called me and he wanted us to come round? Something about saying goodbye? And when I said see you, he said hopefully," I rush.

"What? I'm getting a lift to his now," He says, panicked. I hear movement on his end.

"Alright, see you then,"

I rush downstairs, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"I'm going out, be back before 8ish," I call, opening the door.

"Hold on," My dad says appearing. I jump out the door and shut it, walking down towards Sapnap's house.

What the hell is happening?


I pace outside his house, waiting for Karl to arrive. I see his mom's car pull up and walk towards it. He gets out.

"Do you know what's happening?" I ask, as his parents drive away.

"Nope," He says, knocking on the door. A few seconds later, my phone vibrates.

come in the back, Sapnap's text reads.

I shrug. Maybe he just can't be bothered to come to the door. We walk around the side, and let ourselves in through his back door.

"This feels like breaking and entering," Karl says.

"Eh. Sap said we could," I offer.

"Sap?" Karl calls.

"I'm up here," We hear him say from upstairs. We head to where we think he was, and come across the bathroom door slightly open.

"Sap?" We say.

"Mm," He mumbles. We walk into the bathroom, and I freeze.

Our boyfriend is slumped in a pool of blood, head dropped on his chest.

Karl gasps.

"Sap?" He says weakly.


We kneel next to him and exchange a worried glance. What do you do in this situation?

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