Chapter-54 (Baby Manik?)

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A new day, New beginnings, But this day can be a little evil too...

Nandini woke up before manik, Did her daily chores, Then went inside manik's room... Woke up him too.... They both came downstairs to have breakfast with their family members.... Suddenly Abhi enters their house... Making manik grab nandini's waist...

He greeted all of them

Abhi- I have to discuss something very important with all of you..

Nyonika- Beta aap bdmei boldijiye abhi naashta krlijiye... Khali pet baat nhi krte... (Child you can speak after wards first have breakfast, you should not talk empty stomach...)

Abhi denied at first but seeing nyonika insisting him so much he agreed.. Seeing which manik made his grip more tight around nandini's waist

Nandini- *whispering to him* What happened Manik?

Manik- *whispering back to her* Why is he here early in the morning he doesn't have home or what?

Nandini- Mani... *sternly* You shouldn,t say like this for someone na...

Manik made a cute and adorable pout...

Manik- *gripping her waist* But why is he so close to you...

Looking at his cute pout... NNandini thought to tease him more...

Nandini- Oh that... Actually we have a special bond...

Manik- And what is that will you tell me..

Nandini- it's a long story... I'll tell you once we will go upstairs..

They had their breakfast... Manik hurridly went inside his room sulking bcoz of abhi... Nandini mentally giggled on his condition...

After sometime nandini to went inside their room..

Manik- Yea so please tell me which kind of bond you share with abhimanyu.....

Nandini- Oh that (she thought to tease him more) He was my best friend in school days... After that he became my boyfriend... we use to hang out together... Such a spcl bond we have ... he use to kiss my forhead, My nose, My cheeks, my lip......

She was stopped by a pair of lips ... Kissing her aggressivly... Bitting her lips making them bleed, Then sucking them to soothe the pain, He again bite them... His one hand was around Nandini's waist and the other one was around her neck...

After about 15 mins, They broke the kiss...

Both were breathing heavily... Manik traced her lips from his thumb

Manik- Please never say that nandini... I can't even imagine... Someone being that close to you...I know lots of problems are going to come in our way, But I want to fight all that together, With you by my side holding my hand...

He has little tears in his eyes which make nandini guilty...

Nandini- *cupping his face* I am sorry meri jaan.. I was just doing a little prank on you... Abhi is like a brother to me... Even he consider me as his sister... Nd no man has ever touched me before you I swear..

Manik just hugged her tight and started crying..

Nandini- Baby... Bachcha why are you crying... M so sorry.. I made you cry na ... I am really very sorry...

Manik- I am not crying becuase of you...

Nandini- Then tell me what happened...

Manik wiped his tears and broked the hug...

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