Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER:  this is a work of fan fiction and in no way do I claim ownership of any characters in this fanfic. All characters are property of the Pokémon creators.

This is my first ever published writing so any comments are greatly appreciated.

Ash and Serena are both 18.


Ash placed his luggage on the belt as he got his ticket home. The airport was full of people saying goodbye to loved ones and his party was no exception. Professors Kukui and Burnet were standing off to the side with Ash's Pokémon, ready to send him off.

"This is it I guess, time to look to the future." Ash said as he walked back to the group. Professor Kukui handed him his backpack.
"You know this will always be your home Ash, no matter how far life takes you." Kukui hugged the young man, tears welling up in his eyes. "You brought allot of joy into our lives Ash, as well as Pikachu and the others. It's been an absolute honour to see how much you have grown from when you first arrived here in Alola."

Ash wiped away some tears as he stood back from Professor Kukui and then he darted forward to hug Professor Burnet who was openly crying a river of tears.

"Thank you professor Burnet, for everything."

"It's been my pleasure Ash." Burnet said, trying to regain her composure but failing miserably. "We really are going to miss you. You have been such a big part of our family, and always will be. Now, don't worry about your Pokémon, we will look after them for you and treat them like our own!"

Burnet smiled through the tears as Kukui hugged them both. Ash didn't want the hugs to end, but as soon as the announcement came for his flight to start boarding, he knew he couldn't stay much longer.

"Are you sure about this Ash?" Kukui asked, looking ash in the eyes.

"Yeah, I am Professor. It's time I continue to follow my dreams. Don't worry though, I will write as often as I can and I will be back to defend my title as Alola Champion."

Ash's mind took him back to his farewell party with his friends from the Pokémon School. Mallow, Sophocles, Lana, Kiawe, Lillie and all their Pokémon had thrown Ash a surprise farewell party at Mallow's fathers restaurant.

They had had a great time with lots of good food and stories, as well some Pokémon battles and a last minute adventure into the forest.

"We are really going to miss you Ash, are you sure you have to go?" Lillie, asked as she hugged Ash goodbye.

"I'm sure Lillie, it's time to start a new adventure. It's also time for me to go after my dream once more. I'm going to miss you all as well, but I will be back, I promise."

Ash hugged each of his friends, promising to come back. Kiawe made Ash promise to have a battle when he came back, saying he would be stronger than ever.

Ash snapped back to the present when a second announcement was made for boarding the flight.

"Ok, this is it now. I promise, Promise, I will be back."

Kukui and Burnet smiled, knowing he was going to come visit them again. Kukui turned to Pikachu and Lycanroc.

"Now you two make sure to keep Ash out of trouble ok?"

"Pika! Pikachu!!" "Roc Lycanroc roc!"
Both Pokémon nodded and gave ash a look that said "You bet we will!"

Ash and his 2 companions said their final fair wells, and headed down the walkway to the plane, waving to the ones they called family while in Alola.

"I can feel it Pikachu, Lycanroc, the next adventure is going to be even better. I'm not sure what adventures await us, but with you both by my side, it's going to be amazing!"
Ash was now running down the hallway with a smile on his face and his Pokémon at his side.

"Look out world, I'm coming for you!"

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